My Religion 



Students will: 

  • Understands the perspectives of diverse cultural and , ethnic groups.
  • Understands how individuals, ideas, decisions and events influence people.
  • Draws from experience to create a work that is personally meaningful.
  • Creates expository writing pieces.


1   Pass out strips of paper with different quotes of the golden rule.

2.  Have each student read their quote.  Stop to discuss what each quote means to the students.

3. Have  students tell how are some quotes different and the same.

4.  Do a web on religion on the board and let the students list as many religions as they know.

5.  Ask students how many have parents in which each parent has a different religion or in which one parent has adopted the others religion. 

6.  Discuss with the students that even though we have differences in beliefs, to keep in mind that religion is all about peace and good human behavior.  Students must be made aware that we need to tolerate others beliefs in order to have ours respected.  That is what this nation was build on; Freedom of religion.

7.  Give out the  student handout  Explain that they will do research to create a book that shows their religion with the following categories:

    a.  Central figure or leader

    b.  Basic Belief

    c.  Book holding teachings

    d.  Place of worship 

    e.  Special celebrations

    d.  Symbols used

8. The students will present their book to the class.

9.  The student will compare and contrast their religion with another religion of their choice.


  • Resources with pictures: Internet, books, magazines
  • Student handouts
  • Bookmark all websites
  • Golden Rule strips



  • religion
  • worship
  • belief
  • symbol
  • God, gods
  • temple
  • sanctuary
  • ritual





1.  Student book on their religion presentation.

2.  Comparison paragraph of  two religions.

3.  Students version of the golden rule.

4.  Collage representing religion.


Remind students that all work will be displayed at the Family Heritage Day.


  • Give students a copy of all the versions of the golden rule.
  • The students will create their own version of the Golden Rule


1.  The student will gather various pictures and memorabilia that represents their religion.

2.  They will create a religious collage in the shape of something that represents their religion, such as a cross, church, dove, angel, etc. 

Fieldtrips or Activities

  • Have different spiritual speakers talk with the students and then take questions, or they could do an interactive activity, such as a ceremony like a short Passover Seder,  share a part of a mass,  prayers, songs etc.
  • Visit different churches (virtual)
