What's The Connection?   

          Introduction Lesson To Unit


Students will have an awareness of immigrants to the United States


1.  Give students a few minutes to answer a questionnaire to begin the lesson.

2.  Discuss the responses.

3.  Read the story Grandfather's Journey, by Allen Say  (This story can be found in the Harcourt Brace Social Studies for 3rd grade page 340)

4. Student will create a story map on the story.

5.  Discuss why grandfather moved from Japan to the United States.      (adventure)

6.  Discuss other reasons why people move to new countries.

     (better jobs, war, freedom, family, etc.)

7.  Optional: read HBSS page 348-353 to give more background on cultures and immigrants.

8.  Take a survey to see all the different countries represented in the class. ( If the child was born in the U.S. ask the parent country)

9.  Introduce the unit to the students.  Tell them that they will be doing a project on their cultural heritage.  They will:

     a.   Create a family tree and memory book

     b.  Research their parents countries and make a slide show presentation on their countries.

     c.  Create their own flag using their parents country flags.

     d.  Find and cook a favorite cultural recipe.

     e.  Research a piece of cultural folktale.

     f.  Research and make a book on their traditions and religion.

     g.  Construct a presentation board of their whole project. (This is ongoing throughout the unit)

10.  At the end of the unit you will  have a Heritage Family Day in which they will be able to display their work and cook their recipe for their class.



  • Grandfathers Journey, by Allen Say
  • Student questionnaire
  • HBSS (Harcourt Brace Social Studies 3rd)









Story map

Parent Letter

You will need parental involvement for some of the projects that the students will create. 

Send parents a letter introducing them to the unit and ask for their cooperation.

