Family Heritage Day 

Administration and Staff

1. Remember to go through administration to get the o.k. . Clear date with administration so you don't interfere with other events.

2.  The music teacher can handle to sound for playing music and microphones.

3.  Ask any colleagues who may want to help monitor the event to help out.

Culminating Activity

After all the hard work that the students have accomplished  it is only fitting that they show it off.  This is the opportunity they have to feel proud of their culture. 

Here are some ideas!





Write an invitation for students to invite their family and friends to attend.




Fashion and Flag Show

The event can begin with all the students walking in dressed in their heritage customs  and waving a flag of their countries.


1.  Send a follow-up letter to parents to inform them that you have finished the unit and you will be holding the Family Heritage Day.

2.  Ask a parent if they can help organize the activity.

3.  Have parents check off on a list what they can help out with. You will need items such as: Refreshments, cups, paper plates, plastic forks, spoons, and knives, napkins, etc.


Each school is different, you may want to hold this event in the cafeteria if possible.

1.  Assign a table to each student.

2. The student will decorate the table according to their country.

3.  The student will display their presentation board, recipe, flag and any other work they wish to display for that day.


1.  Prior to the event make sure that all students have brought to school what they are going to use to decorate the tables.  (You can create decorations in class or talk to the art teacher to work with your class.)

2. On the day of the event, have the students work on gathering all the items they want to display. 

2.  Whether day or night, take the students to set up the tables when the area being used is available for setup.


Cafeteria Staff

You may want to see what equipment the cafeteria staff can help you with for that night.

1.  Heating trays for foods that need to stay warm.

2.  Use of refrigerators for foods that need cooling until time for use.

3.  A table with ice available for refreshments.

Slide Show

1.  You may wish to have some students share their slide show with the group.

2. You may want to prepare a slide show presentation of the unit you have been working on using various of the slides the students have already produced.


1. Each student will bring a dish of the recipe they choose during the unit.  They may bring other typical food of their country.

2.  Suggest to students that they may want to prepare the dish the day before the event, but keep refrigerated so it doesn't spoil.


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