Table of Contents


Pharaohs of Egypt


The Pyramids


Web Resources



Landmarks of Ancient Egypt

Identify significant geographic features and landmarks of Ancient Egypt.

Create a map of Ancient Egypt.


Key Words:
Nile River

Mediterranean Sea

Red Sea


Pyramids of Giza

Pyramid of Khafre

City of the Dead

Upper Kingdom

Lower Kingdom

Valley of the Kings

Valley of the Queens

Great Sphinx





3-4 hours

map template
brown butcher paper or construction paper
color pencils

Great Sphinx

Where in Egypt is the Sphinx?


  1. Tell your students that in order to begin their journey to Ancient Egypt they must first create a travel map of the region.

  2. Have your students find Egypt using a world map or globe.

  3. Then ask them to locate the Nile River.

  4. Tell your students that the Nile River was and still is the life-line of Egyptian civilization.

  5. Point out some of the general geographic features of Egypt; (i.e. location, landforms, etc).

  6. Using the distance calculator have students determine the distance between their school address and the Egyptian capital of Cairo. Also, have students determine the cardinal directions to Egypt.

  7. Have your students share their calculations and directions with the class.

  8. Inform your students that they are now ready to begin their journey to Ancient Egypt.

  9. Have your students draw a freehand map of Egypt using the sample template.

  10. List the major geographical features and landmarks of Ancient Egypt on the board.

  11. Explain to your students that they must use the sites listed below to locate these landmarks.

  12. Review with your students the requirements for completing their Ancient Egyptian Map. 

  13. Inform students that their map will be graded based on completing all map requirements. Completed map must have each of the following items:

  14. Have students add color to their maps.

  • Title.

  • Map symbols for each geographic feature and landmark.

  • Map legend to identify symbols.

  • Scale to determine actual distance between landmarks.

  • Compass Rose.

  • Labeled features and landmarks.


Maps will be scored using the following rubric:  Based on a (10) point scale.

(1) point - Title

(3) points - Map Symbols/Legend/Compass Rose

(1) points - Scale

(5) points - Labeled features/landmarks.

10 points=A; 9-8 points=B; 7 points=C, 6 points= D; less than 5=F


Extension Activities:

Using Print shop or Microsoft Publisher have students create a travel brochure of Ancient Egypt based on their completed map. 

Web Links:

Egyptian Maps

King Tut

National Geographic

Egypt Tour

The Nile in Egypt

Culture Focus Egypt



