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As the World Orbits

As the World Orbits:
How the Earth's Movements Around the Sun Affect Climate.

Project URL

Subject Area/Level
KS2 Geography and Science
QCA Scheme of Work: Comparing Weather in Localities

About the Teacher
Maureen Cronin
Maureen Cronin is an advisory teacher in Kensington and Chelsea LEA in London.  She has taught secondary school in state schools in Harlem, New York City, and Seoul, South Korea, and has worked as a consultant in the UK school system for three years.  Her particular interest in education is shifting the teacher-pupil relationship by using technology to facilitate more self-directed learning.


This unit of work consists of 5 lessons all relating to understanding the earth's climate.

Students will examine their local seasons and climate, and then investigate that of a region in the southern hemisphere. This comparison will help them understand the effect of the earth's orbit around the sun as well as its rotation on its axis.  

It begins with a simple brainstorming session, includes a lesson about the movements of the earth, a lesson about accessing weather forecasts,a lesson investigating a foreign climate, and finally a lesson involving a virtual journey to that region.

It spans both KS2 geography and science, and requires a good deal of reading and writing, thus enhancing the literacy curriculum.

Curriculum Addressed
KS2 Geography and Science
QCA Scheme of Work: Comparing Weather in Localities

What You Need
- Spreadsheet/graphing package (Excel, Number Magic...)
- Flipchart/chalkboard
- Digital projector (or large computer monitor)
- Access to the Internet (or web-grabbing software);
- A makeshift model of the sun and the earth (2 balls representing the sun & earth)
- Working radiator or other heatsource
- One small rubber ball per child
- Cassette player, VCR or internet-based digital video
- Multi-media package (such as Hyperstudio)

The Students
This project would be suitable for years 4 - 6 depending on your scheme of work and their ability.

Aims & Objectives

  • To increase pupils' understanding of the earth's movements and how they affect climate
  • To facilitate collaborative learning among pupils, in a cross curricular, constructivist context;
  • To foster pupils' problem-solving skills in real-world contexts;
  • To develop research skills among pupils, especially in the context of the Internet
  • to present pupils with opportunities to develop oral and electronic communication skills;

The unit will require the children to access websites provided for them, and to complete various assessment tasks along the way.

Lesson 1:Children will identify the differences among the four seasons, and will be able to justify their choice in favourite seasons by participating in a group discussion and poll, the results of which will be graphically represented.

Lesson 2: Children will understand the movements of the earth as it orbits the sun by participating in a role play exercise and looking at various graphical representations of the sun-earth relationship.

Lesson 3: Children will be able to differentiate between the northern hemisphere and southern link tilt of earth on its axis differing seasonal climates two.

Lesson 4: Children will understand how to access and interpret weather forecasts, both on TV or radio and on the Internet, by participating both in a whole-class activity and by completing a research guide as they work in pairs.;

Lesson 5: The children will understand how important it is to anticipate climate changes when trying to determine what to wear by imagining they are going on a trip to the southern hemisphere.




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