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1. For your PowerPoint, you will be responsible to create a presentation with a minimum of 11 slides. (You may include additional slides.) The following are topics that you will be researching for your project:

Research Topics (Some questions to help begin your research):

  1. Location and Description: Where is country located? What is the topography of the country? What countries surround your country?
  2. Historical Facts: What are some important historical facts about the country?
  3. Government: What type of government is currently in place? Who is the president? People's reactions to the government?
  4. Economy: What type of economy does country have? What are its strengths? Weaknesses? Is it a developed nation or a third world nation?
  5. Religion: What are the different types of religions? (explain each) What are the statistics?
  6. Language: What is the official language? How many languages are spoken? What are they?
  7. Education: What type of education system is set up? Is it free? public or private? Strengths? Weaknesses?
  8. Culture: What are the different aspects of culture? Is there diversity? Acceptance?
  9. Food: What are the local foods? Give descriptions
  10. Tourism: What are the tourist attractions? Is it a major travel destination? Why or why not?
  11. Entertainment: What is the local entertainment like? Music? Films? Give examples

For each research topic, you are responsible to find information relevant for each topic. The stronger your research information is, the more people throughout America will gain in better understanding different countries throughout our world. Remember, your PowerPoint should be a balance of text and images. Your goal is to educate others on this new country. Think of ways to make it creative and unique, to help capture your audience!

Use the following websites to help obtain information for your research.


While completing your research, you will be using a storyboard to help organize your information. 

Save this Word doc. to your computer and type in responses, or print a copy and write them in.  http://support.uiwtx.edu/InstructionalTechnology/PowerPoint%20Story%20Board.doc

Remember, you are not copying the information from the web sites.  Any information used should be put in your own words.  (NO CUTTING AND PASTING!)


  • Use consistent font, background and colors-decide on a theme.
  • Use keywords or phrases, not whole sentences. Remember, the onscreen text is a guide for your presentation. You should not be reading from the screen.
  • Font should be no smaller than 24 pt.
  • Contrast background/text-light text on dark background or dark text on light background
  • Use bullets to accent your points



In order to communicate with a student in your country researched, you will be using e-pals. By using e-pals, you will be able to personally communicate with a student from your selected country. This student can provide valuable information to help complete your research project.


1. Go to e-pals and register as a new user. You will be asked to fill out a short application and create a profile about yourself.

2. Once you are registered, you are now ready to use e-pals.  Your teacher will give you the e-mail address of a student with whom you will be communicating.  You are responsible for contacting that student and writing continuous e-mails regarding your research project.

3. The purpose of your e-mails is to learn additional information about the country you are researching. Before e-mailing, think of questions that you would like to ask your e-pal, and how these questions will help strengthen your research. Be sure to use language that is appropriate to your e-mail, along with being aware of your grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc. English is a second language for most of the students you will be contacting, so they too are practicing their English skills.

3. You will be required to write at least 5 e-mails to the student. You must hand in at least one e-mail each week, with your e-mail as well as your student's e-mail.


3. Writing your BLOG

Your blog will consist of creative writing pieces, imagining experiences you might have while being in your "new" country.


1. Go to http://blogger.com/start

2. Click on "Create Your Blog Now", to set up your own blog.

3. After you created your blog, you will be asked to "Name your Blog".

4. You're now ready to "Choose a Template". Choose one template to be used throughout your blog.



A blog is like a journal, in your case, a travel journal. This is an opportunity to use creative writing to imagine what your travels would be like if you were to actually visit your country researched. By using actual information used in your research, you will write at least 5 blog entries. You will be required to submit at least one blog each week, for the next 5 weeks.

Topics for your blog may include:  FOOD, CULTURE, SIGHT SEEING, ENTERTAINMENT, etc.  The choice is yours as to what you might want to write about. 

Remember, this is a reflection of your "travels". Use colorful adjectives and figurative language to help capture your readers' attention.

Click here for an example of a blog entry.



Look at this unit evaluation rubric to see how your final grade will be determined.