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Step #4:    What is the existing policy?


First review public policies.

Probably you did not discover a totally new social problem. Therefore, some laws or school rules may already exist related to your social problem. Despite these laws or rules, your problem still exists. Why?

Your social problem may still exist because the present policies are

  • Not strong enough. For example, suppose a family court judge only gave young shoplifters a warning. Many shoplifters would do it again. Such a judge may need a stronger policy. Making shoplifters pay back what they stole and do community service would be a much stronger policy.
  • Not being enforced because...
    • ...the problem is not a priority. School principals and police officers enforce policies for their school or city. They must deal with numerous problems. They have to spend most of their time on the more serious problems. Sometimes, therefore, some policies are not enforced.
    • ...there is a lack of resources. People who break traffic laws cause accidents. This social problem is a priority. However, cities cannot afford to have police officers watch every stop sign or traffic light. There is a lack of police officers. There is a lack of money to hire enough police officers.
  • Ineffective.

Worksheet 4

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