Upload your web page to the Internet:

  • Open fetch* or transmit** for Mac or an FTP program for windows***. When you find a program for your operating system open the program. For NYCWP the server is ftp.myclasssite.org. The ID is myclas and the password will be given to you by NYCWP.
  • Find your folder on the hard drive and send it to the remote server. You are sending the entire name folder with all the contents. If you already have a name folder on the remote server then open it and send the web page folder and all its contents from the hard drive, usually drive C with windows computers..
  • Open your web page on the Intenet. Go to your preferred web browser and type in the URL-http://myclasssite.org/your name/foldername/webpagename.htm. If the page has problems then you have to go back and work on it and upload it again to the remote server.

*You can download fetch by going to http://fetchsoftworks.com. **You can download transmit at http://panic.com/transmit.

***You can download a windows program: ws_ftp LE(limited)-by going to http://ipswitch.com, and then going to download.

Go to http://geocities.com for free web space for your page.

Peggy Maslow, Last updated-February 1, 2003