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Night, by Elie Wiesel

Tests and Answers

Listening Testpp.1-43 (sections1-3), pp.44-80 (sections 4-5), Final, Short Answer Test Answers (Bantam Books edition)

New York State Part One, Listening and Essay Test, using an excerpt of Eli Wiesel's Nobel Prize acceptance speech.

After listening to this speech about fighting indifference, write an essay  in which you use relevant information from the speech to describe what were Elie Wiesel's goals as an adult which led to him to win the Nobel Peace Prize..


Short answer and essay tests
Test on pages 1 to 43 (1st 3 sections) of Night,by Elie Wiesel. Each short answer is worth 3 points (42 points) The essay is worth 60 points and will be graded on: a) doing
the task )
b) organization c) details d) using standard English ( 15 points for each)
I. Short answer
A. Put the number in front of each event with a number 1 for the first event and a number 9 for the last one and numbers 2 through 8 in order of when they
happened for those in between.
1. __________ The Jews of Sighet are herded into a small ghetto.
2.___________The Jews of Sighet are loaded in cattle cars and are held captive in sealed cattle cars for three days.
3.___________The Jews smell burning flesh.
4._________Elie decides to commit suicide by throwing himself onto an electrified barbed wire fence.
5.__________Elie walks by burning babies in an open pit.
6._________Elie and his father lied about their age to avoid being sent to the gas chambers.
7._________At Auschwitz Elie is separated from his mother and sisters whom he never sees again.
8.__________Elie lies to Stein telling him that his wife and children are safe.
9._________Moshe the Beadle returns to Sighet with the news of Nazi mass murder of Jews.

B. Put the name of the character by his or her description:
Moshe the Beadle, Elie Wiesel, Chlomo Wiesel, Stein of Antwerp, Madame Schachter
10. __________________________a 50 year old woman whose hysterical cries of fire torture the whole cattle car of Jews.
11. ____________________________the father in Night, who is a leader in the Jewish community

12. ________________________the narrator of the memoir, Night

13. __________________________the one who warns the Jews that the Nazis want to kill them

14. ________________________________the relative who asks if his children are still alive
II. Essay- How were the Jews of Sighet in denial concerning the Nazi threats against them in Night, by Elie Wiesel? ( 4 paragraph essay using literary terms)


Test on pages 44 to 80 (sections 4-5) of _Night, by Elie Wiesel. Each short answer is worth 6 points (102 points)
A. Put the number in front of each event with a number 1 for the first event and a number 10 for the last one and numbers 2 through 9 in order when they
happened for those in between.
1. __________ Elie hates himself for not helping his father when he is beaten .
2.___________Men are given a public hanging but Elie is troubled just a little.
3.___________The Jews celebrate the Jewish new year.

4._________Ellie's foot is operated on by a Jewish doctor.

5.__________Elie's father gives his son his only possessions, a knife and a spoon, thinking he will be killed because he was selected to be gassed.
6._________When a child is hung for assisting with the explosion of a building and takes a half hour to die, Elie is very troubled.
7._________Elie, to save his father from being beaten constantly, is forced to let his gold tooth be pulled with a rusty spoon.

8.__________The Buna camp is bombed by the allies.

9._________The violinist from Holland complains that Jews were not allowed to play Beethoven.

10. _______When the camp called Buna is abandoned because the Russians are coming the prisoners are forced to march in the snow,

B.Write the vocabulary work next to the correct definition
Rosh Hashanah, Zionism, Yom Kippur, Passover, Kaddish, Beadle, Kapo
11. __________________________a prison guard who is also a prisoner
12. ____________________________a prayer Jews recite in memory of a loved one who died.
13. ________________________a holiday called the Jewish New Year

14. __________________________a holiday where Jews must fast

15. ________________________________the belief that Jews must once more become a nation with land of their own in Palestine
16. _______________________________a caretaker in the synagogue

17. ___________________________a Jewish holiday that is celebrated for eight days each Spring to recall the exodus of Jews from Egypt where they  were held in slavery.


Essay- Using pages 50-51 of Night and the last half of Friedrich write an essay on taking action against indifference. (NY State Part 3 essay  of the English Regents)
Also answer these short answer questions:
1. After Idek beats Eli, the French girl sooths him by
    a) putting on bandages
    b) saying words of encouragement
    c) telling Elie she is secretly Jewish

2. The French girl takes a rish when she
    a) pretends she is Aryan
    b) feeds Elie bread
    c) speaks German

3. The hunchback demands that Friedrich
    a) leave the youth group
    b) say the words, "the Jews are our affliction"
    c) return the ring with the Swastika

4. When Friedrich, who is Jewish, is maligned by the hunchback his friend
    a) tries to help him
    b) leaves with him
    c) does nothing


Final Exam, part 3 essay, NY State Regents- Read Night, by Eli Weisel, pages 95-96 and the poem, "Fifteen," by William Stafford, below. After answering the short answer questions write a unified essay. Explain both authors' point of view of a fifteen year old.

"Fifteen," by William Stafford

South of the Bridge on Seventeenth
I found back of the willows one summer
day a motorcycle with engine running
as it lay on its side, ticking over
slowly in the high grass.  I was fifteen.

I admired all that pulsing gleam, the
shiny flanks, the demure headlights
fringed here it lay;  I led it gently
to the road and stood with that
companion, ready and friendly.  I was fifteen.

We could find the end of a road, meet
the sky on out Seventeenth.  I thought about
hills, and patting the handle got back a
confident opinion.  On the bridge we indulged
a forward feeling, a tremble.  I was fifteen.

Thinking, back farther in the grass I found
the owner, just coming to, where he had flipped
over the rail.  He had blood on hishand, was pale-
I helped him walk to his machine.  He ran his hand
over it, called me good man, roared away.

I stood there, fifteen.


Questions: Circle the letter of the correct answer.  There can be more than one answer circled for each question.

1. The German workmen who saw the train full of concentration camp slave laborers usually ignored them until the workmen

a. decided to bring food and water.

b. watched the slave laborers fight over one piece of bread thrown into the train cars by one German workman.

c. brought blankets for the slave laborers because it was snowing and cold.

2. One simile is

a. I noticed an old man dragging himself along on all fours.

b. They had probably never seen a train with such cargo.

c. His eyes gleaned; a smile, like a grimace lit up his dead face.

3. While on the train car Elie is horrified to see

a. two children engaged in a death struggle over coins thrown to them.

b. his father killed by other men.

c. a son kill his father for a piece of bread.

4. The irony is that

a. the men who were weak from hunger were not interested in the bread.

b. the German workers were giving bread to the slave laborers.

c.The son who killed his father for bread is killed by others for the bread.

5. The fifteen year old boy sees limitless travel possibilities with his new friend,

a. the rider

b. a dog

c. the motorcycle

6. Which is not an example of personification is

a. I admired all that pulsing gleam, the shiny flanks, the demure headlights fringed where it lay.

b. I thought about the hills, and patting the handle got back a confident opinion.

c. I helped him walk to his machine

7. Because he is fifteen years old the boy is too young to

a. travel on a train by himself

b. go off on a motorcycle by himself

c. own an expensive machine


Answers under construction.