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Ready-Set-Tech: “Weather” Or Not

Rosa Sampedro, Lorah Park Elementary, Miami, FL

Grade Level  3 - 5
Subject Science
Background “Weather” Or Not is an integrated weather lesson, which incorporates interaction with the Internet and hands-on collaborative, problem solving activities for students in grades three through five. The lesson integrates math, science, geography, and language arts in the process of teaching and learning about weather. Students will become involved in collaborative problem solving using e-mail. As an extension students could also join online projects offered via the Internet.

The student will use and understand the basic functions of the Internet
The student will understand a basic spreadsheet
The student will know terms such as cell, X-Axis, and Y-Axis
The student will enter data collected by Internet partners into a spreadsheet

Materials Computer with Internet Access, Spreadsheet programs such as Claris Works or Microsoft Excel, maps.
  1. Find pen pals on the Internet using Epals Classroom Exchange. There are always schools eager to become partners on the Internet.
  2. Discuss the weather project with your Internet pen pals. Explain that this project will compare temperatures of different U.S. cities for one week. Students will complete the Weather or Not Worksheet
  3. Each partner school is to collect their data—the high temperature for their particular city in a designated week and email the information.
  4. The data collected is entered in a spreadsheet program.
  5. In the first column (A) enter the names of the cities in the study.
  6. In row 1, enter the days of the week.
  7. Enter the temperature data in the cells.
  8. Create a graph. A bar or line graph works the best.
  9. Add a chart title, X-Axis title, and Y-Axis title.
  10. Compare and contrast the temperatures of the cities in the study. Which would be a good city to visit? Which had the least change in temperature? Which had the most change in temperature?
  11. Compare the temperatures collected with the pen pals to those on that you collect weeks later on The Weather Channel.
  12. How has the weather changed? Do the same pen pal exchange in a different season. Create a graph comparing and contrasting the temperatures of the same cities during the different seasons.
  13. Locate and plot the different cities on a map. Compare and contrast their geographical locations.
Evaluation Students will collect temperature data of three cities in the US not included in the project for 1 week. They will create their own spreadsheet
and chart. The student will present the data to the class. Teachers can create their own rubric to measure the objectives at the Landmark Project. Interesting Weather Internet Sites
Nationwide School Weather Network: This site gives unusual data about weather.
Earth Watch: This program has interactive weather maps that contain weather images, radar maps with fronts, satellite images with information about current conditions and forecasts.
USA Today Weather: This site offers current weather conditions as well as weather forecasts.
The Globe Program: Teachers and students can join The Globe Program to collaborate online
Daily Planet: This site shows weather maps and images.
Global Schoolhouse:  Join an online weather project


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