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Ready-Set-Tech: Scraping The Skies

Elizabeth Linero, West Little River Elementary, Miami, FL

Grade Level  3-4
Subject Math and Social Studies
Background With the occurrence of 9/11 many people are apprehensive about entering tall buildings and are asking themselves the question, should tall buildings continue being built? This lesson will take a look at the tallest buildings in the world and our nation. These skyscrapers are addressed as urban habitats for densely populated areas and as a sign of progress in the economic world.

To understand that human activity affects the physical environment and how population growth improves methods of economic development
To collect data from the Internet, create graphs to show findings and interpret results
To determine measures of central tendency using the data

Materials Skyscrapers by Elaine Landau, computers and Internet availability, Skyscraper Worksheet
Procedure 1. Build background by webbing the word “skyscrapers.”
2. Have a classroom discussion about skyscrapers. The teacher can ask questions such as: Have you ever visited a skyscraper? What famous skyscraper have you heard about? What can be a problem with skyscrapers? Why are they helpful? Teacher can include vocabulary words: skyscraper, structure, and high-rise.
3. Read the book Skyscraper by Elaine Landau.
4. Discuss why skyscrapers are built. (They are built because the space for many offices, businesses and living space are needed in a high-populated are.).
5. The students will visit the following sites to read more about the tallest buildings in the world. They will see pictures as well as graphs.
Buildings of the World at http://mmwww.northville.k12.mi.us/
Petronas Towers http://hazama.co.jp/English/ct_klcc.html  .
6. The student will visit the following site and search for the six tallest buildings in New York City and the five tallest buildings in Chicago. They will use the Skyscraper Worksheet to record the information. Students can access more information at Info Please at http://infoplease.com/ipa/A0001338.html 
7. The student will use their completed worksheet to create a graph to show their findings for both cities.
8. They will compare both graphs to answer the questions on the worksheet.
Evaluation Students will be assessed on their bar graphs showing data on buildings for each city and questions answered on data collected.

Teacher Information:
Skyscraper Worksheet Questions With Answers:



1.  Which city has the tallest skyscrapers? 


2.  Which city has the oldest skyscrapers? 

New York City

3.  Which is the tallest building of all?   

Sears Tower

4.  Which is the least tallest building?  

Citicorp Center

5.  How much taller is the Sears Tower than the Empire State Building?

The Sears Tower is 200 feet taller than the Empire State Building

6.  How are some of the buildings names alike? 

Many buildings are named after famous big companies.

7.  Find the range, median and mode using the height of the buildings? 


Range:   535           Median: 1,007         Mode:  952

8.  Write to explain why you think Chicago’s buildings are taller than those in New York City.

Chicago buildings are taller because they were built 40 years later, which means that the population has grown and there is more
 need for space.



Chicago’s Tallest Buildings

N.Y.C. Tallest Buildings


Sears Tower                   1974                1,450       

Empire State Bldg.      1931       1,250

Aoh Centre                   1973                1,136

Chrysler Building      1930      1,046

 John Hancock               1969                1,127
American Int’l.         1932         952

AT&T Corp. Ctr.          1989                1,007

40 Wall Street           1930         927

Two Prudential Plaza     1990                    995       

Citicorp Center           1977         915


American Int’l Bldg.   1932          952



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