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Ready-Set-Tech: Rhyme Time!

Terry Garcia, Lorah Park Elementary, Miami, FL

Grade Level  Kindergarten
Subject Language Arts
Background Small children are fascinated by rhymes. In this lesson teachers can use children’s natural curiosity of rhyme to create Wanted Posters for rhyming words using Publisher or any similar software. 

Recognize words that rhyme
Identify words that rhyme

Materials Computer with Internet access, Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? (or any other story using rhyming words), Picture Cards Microsoft Publisher or similar software, Rhyme Time Poster Worksheet
  1. Begin by reviewing what rhyming words are (words that sound alike). Give examples such as cat and hat, moon and spoon, etc.
  2. Read story, Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear?, emphasizing with tone the rhyming words.
  3. Tell students you will reread the story and they need to listen carefully. Stop after each page and ask which words rhymed. Write words on board and point out their similarities. Ask for other words that rhyme with those from story.
  4. Play “Rhyme Time”. Place various picture cards in a pocket chart and tell children that they will find rhyming partners. For example “boat,” look for a picture that rhymes with boat. (goat)
  5. Students will decide on two words that rhyme. The students will then practice writing the word and drawing the pictures of the words. Students can visit these sites to get ideas for their rhyming words. (Have a teacher aid or parent volunteer help students on the web.)
    http://enchantedlearning.com/Rhymes.html http://rhymezone.com/r/gwic.cgi?Word=_&Path=goose/a
  6. Students will then complete a Rhyme Time Poster Worksheet using Microsoft Publisher for their two rhyming words. Students will type in the words and find pictures from clip art for their two rhyming words. (Have a teacher aid or parent volunteer help students while using Publisher.)
  7. Remind students to include a title, graphics, correct content and labels in their posters.
  8. Have students share their Rhyme Time Worksheets with class.
Evaluation Students Rhyme Time Poster Worksheets will be evaluated using a rubric. Teachers can create their own rubric at Rubistar. Rubistar has a poster rubric. Click on the word “Products” and look for the Poster Rubric.


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