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Ready-Set-Tech: Plant Parts

Carmen Concepcion, Southside Bilingual Elementary, Miami, FL

Grade Level  2 - 3
Subject Science
Background Children love to explore and understand the environment around them. In this lesson, students learn the parts of a plant, each part's function, and the needs of a plant. The exploration begins with a PowerPoint presentation and goes on to an online web activity. During interactive lessons, students will describe the patterns of structure and function of plants. The teacher will discuss with students the difference between living and nonliving things as a brainstorm activity at the beginning of the lesson. Teachers can culminate the lesson with students planting a seed of their own to nurture and grow!

To learn the parts of a plant and how each part functions
To learn the needs of plants
To construct a plant and label all parts correctly

Materials PowerPoint presentation, computer, multimedia projector, Internet access, varies colors of construction paper, tissue paper, glue, yarn, straws, pipe cleaners, and crayons.
  1. The teacher will begin by having students recall differences between living and nonliving things.

  2. Students will be asked to contribute to a semantic web on board answering the question, “What do we know about plants?”

  3. Teacher will introduce PowerPoint presentation and students will view it. Students will discuss what was learned from the presentation.

  4. Students will then be given directions for craft activity that will be used for evaluation.

  5. All groups will be given an assortment of art materials listed below.

  6. Students will be instructed on how to construct a plant using these materials. The plant must include all the parts discussed in the presentation and they must be labeled. (For example, flower can be made from tissue, stem from straw or pipe-cleaner, roots from yarn, and leaves from construction paper.)

  7. After the activity has begun, small groups of children will go to computers to complete Plant Parts Work Sheet

  8. Students can locate excellent information at the following web sites:

  The Great Plant Escape

  Yummy Plant Parts

  Plants and Our Environment

  Flower Parts

  A Closer Look at Plants

Evaluation Students will be assessed using craft activity. They must have all plant parts labeled. See Checklist. The Plant Parts Work Sheet activity can also be printed using this link for assessment.


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