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Teacher Grants: TeachNet Ready-Set-Tech

Narrative Procedure Web Site

Project URL: http://geocities.com/ps33class412/nonfictionwriting

This is a wonderful project to introduce students to the value of the Internet. The aim of this project is for students to independently use the Internet, as well as identify the purpose and elements of a narrative procedure. After composing a how-to that is personally relevant, students choose a web page template, and publish their instructions. The class then shares their final pieces and are encouraged to use their web site as an instructional resource in the future. Students and their families can use the class web site as an instructional database whenever they need to know how to do something.

Subject Area
Literacy, Technology

Grade Levels

Students will be able to: (1) Identify narrative procedure; (2) Identify and explain the elements of a narrative procedure; (3) Put the elements of a narrative procedure in chronological order using sequence words; (4) Type and publish their narrative procedures to the class web site so that others may utilize their information.

Internet Used
Students use the Internet to research examples of how-to's
. Students reinforce their research findings by visiting web sites that detail the elements, purpose, and structure of narrative procedures. Students also participate in electronic message boards to post and answer questions to each other and the Internet community. Students meet state technology and learning standards by using the Internet for research, critiquing and producing public, functional documents.

Materials Used
Students use Internet-ready computers, a classroom printer, Microsoft Word (or another word processing program), a classroom digital camera, and the free web hosting service, geocities.com (or any web hosting program).

Standards Addressed
This unit addresses local and state standards for literacy and technology. Students produce a narrative procedure. They participate in one-on-one conferences with the teacher and peers. Students read and comprehend informational materials. Students critique public functional documents with an eye to strategies in public discourse. Students create a public functional document appropriate to audience and purpose. Students use computers and the Internet for research purposes and electronic communication.

Student learning is measured through both formal and informal assessments. I use buddy grouping and conferences to evaluate student progress. Shares are also valuable tools to see if students have completed their independent practice assignments accurately. The culminating assessment is the revised and edited final narrative procedure. Students are assessed on their ability to complete a narrative procedure with a title, introduction, sequenced procedure, and closing. Students can do an exemplary job by including pictures and bringing in additional resources.

Students Involved
This unit was developed in a fourth grade classroom, with varying degrees of student ability.
It is helpful for students to draw upon their own experiences and expertise to create their narrative procedure. It may be helpful for students to brainstorm ideas in groups or pairs. Peer review is also beneficial during the revision and editing portions of the project.

Teacher Tips
Teachers will want to set up a geocities.com account prior to publishing the project. I also found it helpful to have the names and links set up before we publish to the web. The project can be extended with more lessons on main idea, introduction, conclusion, and storyboarding. This project could be adapted for grades 1-7, depending on the complexity of the procedure. Student web pages can also be printed to create a class narrative procedure book.

Overall Value
As students conduct independent research, and learn how simple it is to publish a web site, they come to appreciate the value of having information available to them via the Internet. This is an ideal project for students just learning how to type and use the Internet, because this project is simple and straightforward.

Jodie Newbery

Jodie Newbery is currently a 4th grade teacher at Public School 33, The Timothy Dwight School in the Bronx, New York. She has previously taught 3rd grade special education inclusion and Kindergarten. Jodie is involved in recruiting for the New York City Teaching fellows. She also serves on P.S. 33's technology and financial development teams.


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