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Ready-Set-Tech: A Visit to Hogwarts

Rosa Duarte, technology teacher at Southside Elementary Bilingual School, Miami, FL.

Grade Level  5
Subject Language Arts
Background What more exciting way to increase reading skills than to explore the magical world of Harry Potter? Students will collaborate in groups of five as a team and they read excerpts or entire selections of two Harry Potter books by J.R. Rowling. Through the use of the Visual Learning software, Inspiration, students will create maps detailing the similarities and differences between the first two Harry Potter books. They will also analyze and synthesize information that will be presented to the class using a presentation program; the students will use a rubric to evaluate each reading team.

To use the reading process effectively

To compare and contrast two literature books

To use technology tools to organize data

Materials Computers with Internet access, downloaded Inspiration software,  Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a Visit to Hogwarts Work Sheet, Multimedia Rubric, any multimedia program such as PowerPoint, HyperStudio, or KidPix
  1. The students will read Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone. Excerpts of the book can be accessed at Amazon.com located at www.amazon.com, type in the name of the book and click on “Look Inside.”
  2. Students will then read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Excerpts can also be found at Amazon.com located at www.amazon.com; type in the name of the book, and click on “Look Inside.”
  3. Students will use Inspiration software to create a concept map of the two stories; data from the concept map will be used to create a  comparison chart of the two stories. Teachers can download a free trial copy of Inspiration located at: http://inspiration.com/freetrial/index.cfm. If this is not possible, students can use AutoShapes in a word processing program to create a concept chart in the form of a flow chart. See an example of a concept map at: http://southside.dadeschools.net/Resource%
  4. Students will then create a Venn Diagram to explain how the stories are similar, different, and/or the same.  Students can access the  Venn Diagram site to create their an online Venn Diagram http://venndiagram.com/  or students can use A Visit to Hogwart’s  Worksheet to fill-in the details of their Venn Diagram.
  5. Students will again use Inspiration software to create an idea map to attempt to convince students which of the stories they consider to be best. See an example of an idea map at http://southside.dadeschools.net/Resource%
  6. Students will then be asked to create a multimedia presentation of their findings. Students can use PowerPoint, HyperStudio, KidPix or any other type of multimedia software. Students will break into groups to plan and organize presentation. The presentation should include: information that is organized with bullets or numbers, an oral section detailing information, correct details, and correct use of grammar. Review rubric with students in advance.
Tips Use a word processing document to copy and paste information from the Internet to use in presentations. Use flowcharts, summary tables, concept maps, or other organizing structures to organize information for presentation.
Evaluation Student’s work will be evaluated using a Teacher-Created Multimedia Rubric. Students can evaluate each group using this rubric.


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