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"The Place My Words Are Looking For"
Poetry Project
:  Poetry Final Project Requirements

Poetry Final Project Requirements

Your final project in poetry will be a unique book of poems that you will put together. This book will consist of three parts. Each part will show what you know about poetry and how you think and write about poems. Before each poem, you will write a short anecdote or description that will enhance the appreciation and understanding of the poems.

Your book will have poems you have written in class and poems you have discovered while reading other works. All work needs to be in final form and many pieces will be illustrated.

PART ONE: Three poems that you have written

  • Before each poem, write an anecdote describing what inspired you to write the poem or what memory led you to create this image with words
  • One poem illustrated

PART TWO: Three poems that you really enjoy out of poetry books or elsewhere

  • Before each poem write an anecdote describing what inspired you to choose this poem

  • One poem illustrated

PART THREE: Three poems that really speak to you. This can be a poem that reminds you of a special memory or some aspect of yourself.
  • Before each poem write an anecdote telling why you chose the poems
  • One poem illustrated.

PART FOUR: Create and illustrate a title page



The student went beyond the minimum requirements.
Work is typed or written neatly in ink.
Work has been carefully edited and proofread; there are no spelling or mechanics errors.
Title and cover page shows creativity.
Each poem is preceded by an anecdote that introduces the poem.
Illustrations are creative and add to the poems' enjoyment.


The student met the minimum requirements.
Work is not typed or written neatly in ink.
Work has not edited and proofread, but there are a few spelling and mechanics errors.
Title and cover page are plain, no special care was taken.
Anecdotes are incomplete.
Illustrations are incomplete.


The minimum requirements were not met.
Work is written in rough draft form.
Work has not been edited and proofread; there are spelling and mechanics errors.
There is no title and cover page.
Anecdotes are missing.
Illustrations are missing.


We are beginning a three-week poetry unit. We will be exploring poetic works through reading and writing. We will be discovering the impact poetry has on our lives and the lives of others over time. Your participation is part of this exploration and is greatly appreciated.

Relationship to student _____________________

1. What is poetry to you?

2. Do you have any favorite poems? (e.g. from home, family celebrations, song lyrics)

Title of Poem Memories you have (try to include dates)

3. What kinds of poems do you most enjoy reading?

4. Do you have any favorite poets?


5. Have you ever written poetry?





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