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NYC Helpline: How To: Manage Your Classroom
View Instructional Videos for Teachers about Classroom Management

Classroom Management (Secondary)

A high school science teacher demonstrates how her structured and routine-based classroom environment is the key to success.

Classroom Management (Elementary)

An elementary school teacher guides us through her daily classroom routines and shows how consistency and structure are essential.

Classroom Management through Cooperative Groups

View two elementary school teachers demonstrate how they engage their students through group work to help them learn.

How to Home
NYC Helpline: Manage Your Classroom
NYC Helpline: How To Get Started

End-of-Year Goal-Setting for Students, K-5
Charlene Davis

Examining children’s growth is a powerful way to validate a learner’s sense of self-worth—this is often deficient in children who offer behavioral challenges!

The Portfolio Walk
Go through most recent portfolio pieces in each child’s portfolio or binder.

The One-on-One Interview
Using sticky notes, write down what each child says he/she did well on an academic assignment in each content area covered. Next write one thing he/she would have liked to add or improve if given a second chance (or a “do-over”).

The Summer Challenge
Together, write a list of each addition or improvement to be made for each area. Stick it to the child’s work.

Give the Project a Title
For example, the “I Can Make This Even Better!” challenge.

Set Goals
Together, set one, or two goals each, for no more than three content areas. [Examples: I will draw a detailed picture for a scene. I will write at least one more detail about a character. I will add a challenging twist to three different math word problems.]

Ask for a double page entry from the child, and an adult, on how this challenge helped make the child a better student. The child’s response is recorded on one side, and the adult’s on the other!

Grades 3-5
Providing opportunities for personal reflection and evaluation is a powerful practice to employ throughout the school year. These can be character development journal entries!

Students self-assess and write down any improvements they have made in character development. [Possible answer: “I decided to focus more on what others were saying during lesson activities.”]

Students think through reasons why these improvements happened. [Possible answer: “I realized that I had more trouble understanding when I allowed myself to become distracted.”]

Students reflect on how this shift in behavior will impact their future. [Possible answer: “I will be more serious during lesson times because I see how my fooling around gets in the way of my being smart.”]

Students can also reflect on how their change in behavior affected other students around them. [Possible answer: “The other kids take me more seriously now because I am no longer fooling around.”]

Students can then reflect on how this is going to benefit them in the other areas of their lives. [Examples: in friendships, in extracurricular activities they have, or with long-term goals.]

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