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Everybody Fiesta: A Unit on Hispanic Celebrations



Materials: Two 45" square pieces of butcher paper or wallpaper for each child, string, newspapers, wheat paste, tempura paint, brushes, scissors, and sequins.

1. Prepare wheat paste for papier-mâché by mixing flour and water to a consistency slightly thinner than cake batter.

2. Cover one square of butcher paper with a thin layer of the mixture and press it together with the other paper square.

3. While the squares are still damp, place them on a child's head and shape the crown of the sombrero.

4. Secure the base of the crown around the child's head with the string.

5. Remove the sombrero from the child's head, stuff the crown with newspaper and lay it on a flat surface. Smooth out the brim, trim off the corners and turn the brim up at the edges. Let dry completely.

6. Decorate sombreros with paint and sequins if desired.




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