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Everybody Fiesta: A Unit on Hispanic Celebrations
Scavenger Hunt- Dia de los Muertos


In order to complete this scavenger hunt you will need to go to the following site: http://daphne.palomar.edu/muertos
All answers should be found in this site or by links to this site.
1.    When is the Day of the Dead celebrated? _______________________

2.    What is the special flower for the day of the dead? 
What is the Spanish word for these flowers? 3. What are ofrendas? 4. Check out one of the photos of graves decorated with flowers on the Day of the Dead.
Describe the photo. 5. What is "papel picado"? 6. What is the Spanish word for sugar sculls? How are they made? 7. What is Huitzilpochtli? 8. What is a common food for Day of the Dead? 9. Go to links It's Dia de los Muertos, not Halloween. Summarize the article in a short paragraph.


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