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Everybody Fiesta: A Unit on Hispanic Celebrations

La Raspa




Separate children into pairs and arrange them in a large open circle. There are two sets of steps, one set for the music preceding the chorus and the second set to follow during the chorus.

Set One:
1. First Count--Jump up in place and put your right foot forward with toes
pointing out.
2. Second Count--Jump up in place again, putting left foot forward.
3. Third Count--Jump up in place again, putting right foot forward.
4. Fourth Count--Stay put, don't move!
5. Repeat until chorus begins.

Set Two:
1. The pairs of children link right elbows and skip around each other. this lasts
for eight counts.
2. Now reverse for eight counts.
3. Continue until the chorus ends and then repeat La Raspa steps in set one.
(Lakeshore Materials, 1993)



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