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The Wonderful World of Arthur


Arthur’s Nose

Grade Level:

First and Second

Time Required:

30 minutes


The students will use a variety of media and technology resources for directed and independent learning activities.


The other students in Arthur’s first grade class would always tease him about his nose. So, one day Arthur decided that he would go to the doctor and gets a nose change. But after trying on various noses he decided that his own nose was the nose that was best for him.

Materials required:

A computer with Internet capacity, glue, scissors, construction paper, crayons and or markers, the book Arthur's Nose by Marc brown


nose     school     friends     funny     change    doctor


The activities below are in the teaching style of Bloom's Taxonomy. This was done to encourage the students to use higher level thinking skills.


Knowledge - The students will orally read the story titled Arthur’s Nose by Marc Brown. They will make a story map listing the: setting, main characters, problem and the solution.

Comprehension - In the beginning of the story, Arthur’s self esteem is very low. Have the students to think up ways in which to build up his self confidence and write it on chart paper for display.

Application - Have the students to research Aardvarks. The children will display their finding in the form of a basic flip book.

Analysis - Explain the importance of an aardvarks nose. Have the students to make a Venn diagram comparing Arthur’s nose to that of other animals in the story.

Synthesis - The students will write a letter to the students in Arthur’s class explaining why it is not good to make fun or others who are different from us.

Technology Connection -
PBS Online click on Teacher Source
Pictures of African Animals
Pablo Python Looks at Animals ZooNet
The Electronic Zoo (Vertebrates)


The students will go on a field trip to a local zoo and see how many of the animals in from the story book that they could find.

Home Learning:

The students will make a shoebox diorama of an aardvark in its natural habitat. They will also write a simple report telling something about this animal.


Have the students to complete a simple teacher made test created on Microsoft Word.



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