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TeachNet Grant: Travel By Design Brochure Creation
Allison Chase

High School of Fashion Industries
225 West 24th St.
New York, NY  10011

Grade/Subject: High School
About the Grant:


  • Computers with the necessary software applications and internet Explorer;
  • Printed Brochure templates from Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft Word;
  • Sample student brochures from previous graduation classes;
  • Completed research reports;
  • Rubric of assessment criteria for a brochure

This project is part of a larger unit that covers a full year. During this phase students will serve as representatives for a small travel agency entitled Travel By Design. Students will create and design a travel brochure for the country assigned. The brochure will provide prospective travelers with information that will entice them to visit that country.

Students will use information from the research reports which were previously created in Microsoft Word along with additional information and images from the internet to create their brochure. Students may feature certain aspects of the country in the brochure such as: beaches, festivals, popular tourist attractions, cuisine/restaurants and any information that will attract prospective travelers to visit their country and want to learn more.

The final product is a brochure on a chosen country. The brochure will provide some information to prospective travelers. It will also provide contact information about the agency Travel By Design in order for prospective clients to receive further information.

How This Grant was Adapted:

Overall Value:

Students create and design brochures on selected countries. These brochures will be used as marketing tools and also as a part of their presentation to the prospective clients and invited guests--students and staff. The brochure is a creative way to present information. It requires students to think about what information they will use and how they will creatively organize it. This project integrates technology, research, writing, geography and critical thinking.

Tips for the Teacher:

Have sample brochures for students to see so that they can get their thought process going. Remind students that the brochure contains a limited amount of space so they will have to choose wisely what information to include in their brochures. Each brochure should have its own approach in terms of presentation. Encourage students to use their creativity in writing and presenting the information. Remind them that the goal is to get prospective travelers/clients to plan a trip to their country. Finally, team proofreading is also a great tip.

Project URL

Please click on the link below to see sample student brochures . Three brochures are posted. For each brochure there are three views.


Please click on the link below to see the Brochure Assessment Criteria.




Upon completion of this project students will be able to do the following:

  1. Students will be able to know how to use Word processing and desktop publishing software.
  2. Students will be able to know that graphic images, illustrations, and pictures add creativity to the brochure.
  3. Students will be able to know that proper paragraph, sentence structure and grammar are important when writing the text for the brochure.
  4. Students will be able to know how to use Publisher brochure templates and design layouts to create a brochure.
  5. Students will be able to know how to insert clipart and use the internet to search for graphics, images and illustrations to insert into their brochures.
  6. Students will be able to know how to use spell check and grammar check in Publisher to correct spelling and grammar errors.
  7. Students will be able to know how to proofread draft copies of their brochures.
Websites Used
  1. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook
    The World Factbook provides information on the history, people, government, economy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.

  2. http://lonelyplanet.com/worldguide
    Provides travel advice and information on the best holiday destinations from around the world.

  3. http://teachersnetwork.org/grantsonline/Link%203:%20http://www3.nationalgeographic.com/places/directory.html
    Find facts, photos, information and history, travel videos, flags, and maps of Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania, Europe, North America, and South America.

  4. http://memory.loc.gov/frd/cs
    Find in-depth information about everything from geography to weather, from government to religion, for more than 100 countries, country studies.

  5. http://infoplease.com/countries.html
    Infoplease.com , a free, authoritative, and respected reference for Internet users, provides a comprehensive encyclopedia, almanac, atlas, dictionary, provides country profiles.
Standards Addressed:

Standard 1:

Use and integrate a wide range of organizational strategies to present information
Grade: 12 High School
Subject: Writing

Standard 2:

Students use technology tools to enhance learning and promote creativity.
Grade: 12
Subject: Computer Applications/Technology

Standard 3:

Students use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology enhanced models, prepare publications and produce creative works.
Grade: 12
Subject: Technology

Standard 4:

Students are proficient in the use of technology
Grade: 12
Subject: Technology

Standard 5:

Students practice responsible use of technology systems, information and software
Grade: 12
Subject: Technology

Lesson 1:

Title: What document can be used to creatively present information?


  1. Students will be able to understand that a brochure is another way of presenting information
  2. Objective 2 Students will be able to understand that Microsoft Word and Publisher are software programs in which brochure can be created.


  • Computers with the necessary software applications and internet Explorer
  • Printed Brochure templates from Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft Word;
  • Sample student brochures from previous graduation classes
  • Rubric of assessment criteria for a brochure
  • Completed Report on the country


  1. Have students look at sample student brochures from previous graduation classes
  2. Distribute Printed Brochure templates from Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft Word to students
  3. Distribute Rubric of assessment criteria for a brochure
  4. Notify students that the brochure can only contain a limited amount of information. Students should decide what aspect(s) of their country they want to feature in their brochure.


Have students write down what it is they want to feature about the country. Students will use their completed research report as a guide. Students will highlight important information from the report that they want to feature in the brochure

Lesson 2:

Title: How is Microsoft Publisher used to create a brochure?


  1. Students will be introduced to Publisher
  2. Students will learn how to use Publisher brochure templates and design layouts to create a brochure


  • Computers with the necessary software applications
  • Printed Brochure templates from Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft Word;
  • Sample student brochures from previous graduation classes
  • Completed research report on the country


  1. Introduce Microsoft Publisher
  2. Introduce the various brochure template layouts offered
  3. Demonstrate the manipulation of text, images, graphics and color
  4. Students will browse the templates and select a template for their brochure. Students can also select a blank template and create their own layout.
  5. Students will save the template they selected


Students will look at available newspapers for various layouts of news articles to get ideas for their brochure layouts. Students will bring in a copy of a newspaper article. Students will continue to highlight information in their report that can be used in the brochure.

Lesson 3:

Title: How are graphic images from the Internet used in the creation of a brochure?


  1. Students will use the internet to search for graphics, images and illustrations to insert and size into their brochures.
  2. Students will learn how to insert and size clipart into the brochure


  • Sample newspaper articles
  • Computers with the necessary software applications
  • Completed research report on the country


  1. Review newspaper articles for layout; pull quotes for example
  2. Students will open Publisher and open the template they saved
  3. The teacher will instruct students to go to page one of the brochure-the front/outside of the brochure
  4. The teacher will instruct students to key in the following info in specific locations of the front/outside of the brochure. See sample. Each brochure will have the school's contact info., the student's name and a description of the agency
  5. Instruct students to save. Instruct students to go to the internet to search for a picture that will appear below the title of the brochure. Students can go to google images.
  6. Students will also go to the internet to search for a picture that they can use as a logo on the back of the brochure.
  7. Students will also search for pictures they can use with the text inside the brochure. Students can use various search engines images or use the country's website for pictures they can save and import into their brochure.
  8. Student will be instructed to view the images on the internet in full size. Students will be instructed to save the picture in their folder. Students will be instructed to import the picture from file into their brochure.
  9. Students will be instructed to go to clipart, select a clipart for use and choose insert. The clipart will automatically insert into the desired location. Students will then size the picture so that it fits into the desired location in the brochure.
Lesson 4

Title: Creatively organizing and presenting information .


  1. Students will be able to use Wordprocesing and desktop publishing software
  2. Students will be able to key and manipulate text in Publisher


  • Computers with the necessary software applications
  • Completed research report on the country


  1. Students will open Publisher and open the template they saved
  2. Students will open Microsoft Word and open the research report
  3. Students will begin keying information into their brochure templates. They can refer to the research report for information.
  4. Students will also use the internet to go to the specific country's website to search for additional information.
  5. Students will organize the information so that it flows and is presented in a creative manner.
  6. Students will use proper sentence structure and correct grammar as they input the information.
  7. Students will save the template at various intervals to prevent loss of work.
  8. Students will print a draft of the work completed so far.


Students will proofread the brochure draft. Students will review their draft for creative ideas they can add to their brochure.

Lesson 5:

Title: Creatively organizing and presenting information


  1. Students will be able to use Wordprocesing and desktop publishing software
  2. Students will be able to key and manipulate text in Publisher
  3. Students will be able to use spell check and grammar check in Publisher to correct spelling and grammar errors.
  4. Students will be able to Proofread draft copies of their brochures


  • Computers with the necessary software applications
  • Completed research report on the country
  • Printed draft copies of the brochure


  1. Students will open Publisher and open the template they saved
  2. Students will correct errors they found from proofreading. Students will continue to key, input and organize the information so that it flows and is presented in a creative manner.
  3. Students will also use the internet to go to the specific country's website to search for additional information.
  4. Students will use proper sentence structure and correct grammar as they continue to input the information.
  5. Students will import and size images in the brochure. Students will also insert captions under the images. Students can use pull quotes as well to draw attention to important information.
  6. Students will save the template at various intervals to prevent loss of work.
  7. After all of the information, images and captions have been creatively organized, students can change the color of the background or add a watermark.
  8. Students will print two draft copies of the work completed so far. One for the teacher and one for themselves.


Students will proofread the brochure draft. Students will review their draft for creative ideas they can add to their brochure.

Allison Chase
Ms. Chase is a Career and Technical Education Teacher at the High School of Fashion Industries. She is presently teaching Data Entry, Business Communications and Computer Applications. She loves working with high school students and playing a great role in designing their futures.



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