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Teacher Grants: Technology

Hitachi Foundation: Yoshiyama Young Entrepreneurs
The Yoshiyama Young Entrepreneurs Program supports young entrepreneurs who have formed financially viable businesses that create jobs, supply goods or services, or use internal management practices enabling low-wealth individuals the opportunity to achieve greater economic security.
Maximum Award: $50,000 over two years, access to technical resources, and a peer learning community.
Eligibility: entrepreneurs ages 18-29 who are operating businesses that are 1-5 years old and have been generating revenue for a minimum of the last 12 months.
Deadline: March 22, 2010.

MIT: Lemelson-MIT 2011 InvenTeams
Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams foster inventiveness among high school students. InvenTeams composed of high school students, teachers, and mentors are asked to collaboratively identify a problem that they want to solve, research the problem, and then develop a prototype invention as an in-class or extracurricular project.
Maximum Award: $10,000.
Eligibility: high school science, mathematics and technology teachers—or teams of teachers—at public, private and vocational schools; intra- and inter-school collaborations welcome.
Deadline: April 25, 2010.

NABT: Vernier Software & Technology Ecology/Environmental Teaching Award
The National Association of Biology Teachers Vernier Software & Technology Ecology/Environmental Teaching Award will be given to a secondary school teacher who has successfully developed and demonstrated an innovative approach in the teaching of ecology/environmental science and has carried his/her commitment to the environment into the community.
Maximum Award: $1,000 toward travel to the Professional Development Conference, and $500 of Vernier equipment. The recipient also receives a recognition plaque to be presented at the NABT Professional Development Conference, and a one-year complimentary NABT membership.
Eligibility: secondary school teachers.
Deadline: May 7, 2010.

High Tech Camp for Girls
Microsoft DigiGirlz High Tech Camp for girls works to dispel stereotypes of the high-tech industry and gives young people a chance to experience firsthand what it is like to develop cutting-edge technology. During the camp, girls are exposed to executive speakers, technology tours and demonstrations, networking and hands-on learning workshops.
Maximum Award: camp attendance.
Eligibility: girls grades 7-12; must be 13 at the time of attendance.
Deadline: varies; see website.

Awards for Excellence in Educating Students About Math, Science, Technology & Engineering
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Foundation Classroom Grants are awarded to encourage excellence in educating students about math, science, technology, and engineering. Eligibility: current AIAA Educator Associate or AIAA Professional members actively engaged as K-12 classroom educators.
Maximum Award: $200.
Deadline: N/A.

Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) grant program was established to encourage young people in the study of science and radio astronomy and to help students fund their projects. Students have a variety of projects that could be studied from Stanford University’s program of Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SID); NASA’s Radio Jove studying Jupiter storms and solar storms; NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center INSPIRE program studying natural and manmade radio waves; meteor detection and the Itty Bitty Telescope (IBT) from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and SARA.
Maximum award: $200
Eligibility: Students in grades 5 through college
Deadline: N/A

Microsoft DigiGirlz High Tech Camp for girls works to dispel stereotypes of the high-tech industry and gives young people a chance to experience firsthand what it is like to develop cutting-edge technology. During the camp, girls are exposed to executive speakers, technology tours and demonstrations, networking and hands-on learning workshops.
Maximum Award: camp attendance.
Eligibility: girls grades 7-12; must be 13 at the time of attendance.
varies; see website.

Reinventing Education Program, IBM's lead philanthropic program,  is now a $70 million grant initiative that forms the centerpiece of IBM's global commitment to education. IBM is contributing more than just money; they are dedicating their world-renowned researchers, educational consultants, and technology. 

Toshiba's Grade 7-12 Grant Program - The Toshiba America Foundation encourages programs with the potential to improve classroom teaching and learning of science, mathematics, and the science and mathematics of technology. Projects and proposals from individual or groups of classroom teachers in grade schools (7-12) will be considered for funding. 
Deadline: Decisions about small grants are made monthly, except March and September.

RGK Foundation awards grants to programs that focus on formal K-12 education (particularly mathematics, science, and reading), teacher development, literacy, and higher education.
Maximum Award: $25,000.
Eligibility: 501(c)3 organizations.
Deadline for Letter of Inquiry: N/A.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Foundation Classroom Grants are awarded to encourage excellence in educating students about math, science, technology, and engineering.
Eligibility: current AIAA Educator Associate or AIAA Professional members actively engaged as K-12 classroom educators.


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