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TeachNet 2008 Grant Winner       << Back to all Grant Winners

Subject:Social Studies, Technology, Math, Science, Spanish, English

Grade Level: 9-12

Materials: Pictures, GIFs (animated pictures), scanner, notebook or PC with Internet connection, SmartBoard or projector screen, video protector, WAV files, video clips, audio files, popcorn and refreshments, and Microsoft Word, Publisher, Excel, and PowerPoint software programs

About: Students use the Internet, Microsoft Office software, and audio and visual images to present information on one of their subject areas. The project show the versatility of Microsoft’s PowerPoint program, which can be used to create small skits, movies, and e-books. Students can use this program to bolster any presentation in various subject areas such as social studies, math, English, Spanish, and science. The students incorporate a variety of media in their presentations, such as videos, audio, pictures, and hyperlinks to Internet sources, and incorporate other programs (Microsoft Excel and Publisher) if needed.

Students are expected to complete a movie, skit, or e-book.

Students work with familiar programs to hone their skills, reinforcing previous lessons taught in this course, as well as the subject area they have selected. They use their creative abilities by incorporating a variety of media into their project to create a presentation. Moreover, they improve their research abilities with the use of the Internet, and gain confidence by using information obtained through their various subject areas.

This project can be used as a culminating project for any subject or topic. It incorporates multiple learning styles, providing students with an alternative form of assessment. Furthermore, it allows the student to express themselves is a variety of ways, reinforcing a sense of ownership and accountability.

The purpose of this project is to show scholars the versatility of Microsoft’s Powerpoint Program. Scholars may use this program to bolster any presentation in various subject areas such as social studies, math, English, Spanish, and science). Scholars will be asked to incorporate a variety of media in their presentations, such as videos, audio, pictures, hyperlinks to internet sources, as well as incorporate other programs (Microsoft Excel and Publisher) if needed.
Students create pamphlets, newspaper, gift cards, as well as other works to bolster presentation
Students incorporate visuals, audio recordings, the internet, and video clips into a PowerPoint presentation.
Students use PowerPoint to create a skit, movie, or e-book presentation.
Students use the internet to obtain pictures, WAVs, audio recording, and video clips for presentation.
Students incorporate an assignment from any subject are into a presentation.
Students create a storyline for the presentation.

Students access this site to obtain images for their presentation.
Students access this site to locate animated pictures.
Students access this site to locate audio clips.
Students access this site to locate audio clips.
Students access this site to locate video clips based on subject area.

Students read and listen to oral, written, and electronically produced texts and performances from American and world literature; relate texts and performances to their own lives; and develop an understanding of the diverse social, historical, and cultural dimensions the texts and performances represent. They use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language for self-expression and artistic creation.
Students apply technological knowledge and skills to design, construct, use, and evaluate products and systems to satisfy human and environmental needs.
Students understand the relationships and common themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning.
Interconnecteness: Common Themes
Students use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions.
Mathematics, Science, and Technology
Information technology is used to retrieve, process, and communicate information and as a tool to enhance learning.

Day 1: Act One
Students create a storyline for the presentation.
Students incorporate an assignment from any subject into a presentation.
Notebook or PCs with Microsoft Office software and Internet connection
Projector, SmartBoard
Begin the lesson by going over the basic elements of a movie, presentation, or skit to get students thinking about the elements they will need in order to engage their audience. After listening to a few responses, tell students that they need to have some direction: a beginning-introduction, body-plot-climax, and ending-conclusion.
Students select a subject area as the focus of their skit, movie, or e-book.
Students list some of the materials they will need to put together their presentation (they may add to this list throughout the duration of the project.)
Students incorporate the following elements: audio, visuals (pictures (still and animated), audios, and video clip, link to an Internet site.
Provide students with an example of a movie you have already created.
Students should be advised to pay attention and take notes as to what they can take away from the movie. Furthermore, they should be encouraged to ask questions: how to incorporate certain images, transitions, text box, pictures, and audio.
Transition into the lesson by going over the basic elements of the movie you created.
Give students the remainder of the period to ask questions or to jot down ideas they may have about their own projects. Circulate through the room to go over the subject area the students have selected for their project, as well as their ideas for their skit.
Work on your lists… and if at all possible, begin working on gathering your resources.
Each student is assessed based on the list of requirements for their skits, which will be an ongoing assessment.

Day 2: Act Two
Students work on the ideas needed to enhance your storyline.
Students use the internet to obtain pictures, WAVs, audio recording, and video clips for presentation.
Students adapt projects, such as oral presentations, skits, and short stories, with the use of computer aides, such as PowerPoint, Publisher, Front page, Excel (graphs), etc.
Students incorporate an assignment from any subject into a presentation.
Notebook or PCs, Microsoft Office
Internet connection
Projector, SmartBoard
Go over a few webpages that will assist scholars in their presentation.
Ask students to retrieve their notebooks from the computer cart and begin searching for images, audios, and video clips on the Internet.
Students should be advised that any web surfing outside sites deemed suitable by the teacher would revoke any further use of the computer for that day. Furthermore, reinforce that they are to look for items that will enhance their presentation.
Circulate to ensure that students are on task.
Students begin working on their storyline, using either Microsoft Word or Powerpoint to outline their ideas. Circulate to assist students who are having difficulties.
Begin working on the ideas needed to enhance your storyline.
Each student will be assessed based on the list of requirements for their skits, which will be an ongoing assessment.

Day 3: Act Three
Students adapt projects, such as oral presentations with the use of computer aides.
Students incorporate visuals, audio recordings, and video clips into a PowerPoint presentation.
Students use PowerPoint’s basic features to create a skit, movie, or e-book presentation.
Students use the Internet to obtain pictures, WAVs, audio recording, and video clips for presentation.
Students incorporate an assignment from any subject into a presentation.
Notebook or PCs with Microsoft Office and Internet connection
Projector, SmartBoard
Provide students with some ideas for structuring their projects.
Reinforce the need for students to be confident in their work, as well as the need to be fully engrossed in their assignments.
Students have the entire period to work on their projects, as well as surf the Web for additional resources.
Instruct students to write down some of their thoughts on the process of putting together their skits.
Scholars get in groups of three or four to discuss how they feel about their individual projects. They are asked to share with the rest of the class after 5 to 6 minutes.
Advise students to share resources and ideas with each other.
Continue to work on the parts of your story and your media project.
Each scholar will be asked to reflect on the process (discussing their storyline & retrieving resources from the Internet) thus far.

Day 4: Act Four
Adapt projects, such as oral presentations, skits, and short stories with the use of computer aides, such as Powerpoint, Publisher, Front page, Excel (graphs), etc.
Students incorporate visuals, audio recordings, and video clips into a PowerPoint presentation.
Students use PowerPoint’s basic features to create a skit, movie, or e-book.
Students use the Internet to obtain pictures, waves, audio recording, and video clips for presentation.
Students incorporate an assignment from any subject into a presentation.
Notebook or PCs with Microsoft Office and Internet connection
Projector, SmartBoard
Reiterate suggestions or ideas mentioned in the previous lesson.
Begin the class by instructing students to begin working on their projects.
Students with questions on incorporating images, audio, or videos go to a workstation with an “expert student” to help guide them.
Circulate to ensure that scholars are on task, as well as to answer any questions.
Continue to work on the parts of your story and your media project.
Each student will be asked to reflect on the process (discussing their storyline & retrieving resources from the Internet) thus far.

Day 5: Final Act
Students adapt projects with the use of computer aides, such as Powerpoint, Publisher, Front page, Excel (graphs) etc.
Students incorporate visuals, audio recordings, and video clips into a PowerPoint presentation.
Students use powerpoint’s basic features to create a skit, movie, or e-book presentation.
Students use the internet to obtain pictures, WAVs, audio recording, and video clips for presentation.
Students incorporate an assignment from any subject into a presentation.
Notebook or PCs with Microsoft Office and Internet connection
Students who are unsure of their progress will speak to the teacher on a one-to-one basis in class today or after school.
Advise students to use today to begin finalizing their project.
Use this period to assist students who are still unsure of their progress.
Students use the rest of the period to finalize their presentation.
Continue to develop your media project and prepare for your presentation tommorrow!
Each student will be asked to reflect on the process (discussing their storyline & retrieving resources from the net).

Clayon Cameron


Urban Assembly Academy of History and Citizenship for Young Men
240 East 172nd Street
Bronx, N- 10457

Mr. Cameron teaches Participation in Government, Economics, Law, and Computer Technology at an all-boys’ school in the Bronx. Born and raised on the island of Jamaica, he migrated to the United States at age nine. Since then, he has lived in Brooklyn, where his passion for the learning process led him to the teaching profession. With the growing need for computer experience, Mr. Cameron ensures that his students receive as much exposure as possible. He incorporates technology in lessons, and hosts after-school technology clubs and tutoring sessions for students and faculty.

Important documents for this lesson plan.

Technology project.doc


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