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TeachNet Everywhere Grant: Dinosaur Tracks

Project URL:


How it works:
This website is the culmination of a project developed in conjunction with The College of Staten Island (CUNY) Discovery Institute Science and Technology Expo and The American Museum of Natural History's Educator's Summer Institute. The students decided that they wanted to collaborate on a discovery-based project, and they chose the subject of dinosaurs. After much research and planning, the students designed, uploaded, and monitored the final product you see here.

Standards addressed:  
At the culmination of this unit, students will be able to meet the following standards in science and technology: Demonstrate understanding of biological evolution; Demonstrate understanding of evolution, diversity, and adaptation of organisms; Demonstrate understanding of big ideas and unifying concepts; Demonstrate undertstanding of the designed world; Demonstrate understanding of the impact of technology; Use evidence from reliable sources to develop descriptions, explanations, and models; Works individually and in teams to collect and share information and ideas; Acquire information from multiple sources; Explain a scientific concept or procedure to other students; Communicate in a form suited to the purpose and the audience; Demonstrate scientific competence by completing a design; Use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity; Use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences; Use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences; Use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.

Overall value:
Students are integrally involved in their own learning. It is experiential in that science and technology are integrated for the final task. Students were able to see how web-based instruction can connect other schools and locations around the globe. Students wanted to extend the outreach further to connect with elementary school children on the topic of Dinosaurs. Students were highly motivated as they volunteered their time outside of the school day. They worked together and chose topics that they were very interested in researching. It is suitable for all age groups and abilities.

The students pretty much dictate how it is to be designed. It can be adapted for children with varying abilities and can also accommodate students with disabilities. The American Museum of Natural History is an ideal resource on this subject as it has one of the most exhaustive exhibits on dinosaurs. If you cannot visit in person, use their online resources at www.amnh.org. If you or your students lack the necessary technology skills, involve another teacher or a professional with web design ability. Look for tech workshops offered to teachers in your area--many are low-cost or free to educators.


Teacher: Kimberly Vaillancourt

About the teacher:
Kimberly Vaillancourt is a science teacher at Curtis High School in Staten Island, New York. She maintains her own web site at: www.classroom2classroom.net/nyc

E-mail: kimva10301@aol.com

Subject Areas:

Grade Levels: 
9th - 12th grades



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