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WebQuest: Amazon Food Web

About this Daily Classroom Special

The Amazon Food Web is a project that was created for 7th grade students by Neil Battagliese, a teacher and science area leader at Memorial Middle School in South Portland, Maine. E-mail Neil.

The project is part of an interdisciplinary unit focusing on South America and food webs. In this project students identify food web relationships within the Amazon. Students then display these relationships by creating a website and a foodweb poster.

The Amazon Quiz
Students are first introduced to several good websites and learn basic facts about South America and the Amazon. Students do this by completing the Amazon Quiz, an animated on-line quiz with a student log-in answer form.


Students begin the research process by visiting websites, for which links are provided on the Process page of the Amazon Food Web website, and finding information pertinent to the HTML pages they will create. Using the note-taking templates created by the teacher, students record necessary information.

Website Creation
After receiving a lesson on web design, students create their own web pages. Students use the teacher created HTML templates and incorporate their research information onto the templates. In case students forget any of the procedures they learned, a technical HELP page is provided. The HTML pages students create are as follows:

Homepagenote-taking template• •HTML template


Food Webs Page note-taking template• •HTML template


Producers Pagenote-taking template• •HTML template


Herbivores Pagenote-taking template• •HTML template


Carnivores Pagenote-taking template• •HTML template


Omnivores Pagenote-taking template• •HTML template


Scavengers Pagenote-taking template• •HTML template


Amazon Conservation Pagenote-taking template• •HTML template


Food Web Poster
Finally, student groups collaborate to create a food web poster. The poster reflects information they learned about Amazon organisms and their understanding of a food web. The poster contains pictures of Amazon organisms and arrows that indicate the food web relationships among these organisms.

A grading rubric is found on the Evaluation page of the Amazon Food Web website.

Teacher Resources
The Amazon Food Web website includes a Teacher Resource section. This section provides additional information for teachers. The resource section contains project objective, standards, procedures, and technical guidance.

You can email Neil Battagliese at battagne@spsd.org.


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