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Technology 101: Two: Rate Your Site

About this Daily Classroom Special
Technology 101 provides pointers, strategies and suggestions for helping your school design a technology plan that meets the needs of members of your learning community. Technology 101 was written by Peggy Wyns-Madison, a former Teachers Network web mentor.

Two: Rate Your Site

Rate Your Site

Now compare your uses of computers with a broad range of uses. It is often interesting to discover that although you may use your computers for a variety of tasks and in a number of subject areas, you may only be touching a few of the categories listed below:

  1. to assist in the development of extra-curricular skills and abilities including social and communication skills, personal management skills, commitment to lifelong learning, etc.;

  2. to provide remedial instruction for students who have difficulty learning and enrichment activities for gifted students;

  3. to meet the learning needs of students with physical disabilities for which technology is of direct benefit (e.g., sight and hearing impaired learners);

  4. to act (partly or wholly) as an alternative to traditional, whole class instruction in meeting specific, curricular objectives. This requires careful consideration of not only the subject matter of instruction (i.e., what is to be learned) but also the manner of acquiring it (i.e., how it is to be learned);

  5. to link learners together over time and distance using computer-mediated communication (CMC) and computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), either as a supplement to regular instruction or as a means of delivering distance education;

  6. to serve as an information storage and retrieval medium, or electronic library, where students access multimedia information from various sources (e.g., CD-ROM, Internet, etc.);

  7. to supplement instruction in basic literacy skills (e.g., word-processing) and basic numeracy skills (e.g., databases and spreadsheets);

  8. to teach students computer skills (e.g., computer basics, programming, networking, etc.);

Which categories are touched on in your schools?

As you begin to develop your technology plan, you should do a tour of your site and find out what kind of technology you have and how is it being utilized. You might want to print out the Site Analysis Sheet and the Site Survey Checklist and use them as a guide.


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