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Wild Wacky Weather

About this Daily Classroom Special
Wild Wacky Weather was written by Penny Perkins, primary teacher/PDL teacher at Athens Elementary School, Fayette County, Kentucky. 


In this curriculum unit, students will be learning about different elements of weather including temperature, wind and air, precipitation, clouds, and severe weather. The focus of this unit is to relate the information to how it affects the students in their every day lives. Students will be recording data throughout the unit as a class and individually. Each day, students will record that day's weather on their individual Excel charts and representatives from the class will record the temperature on a class Excel chart. This data will routinely be examined and analyzed. Students will also be conducting the weather report on the school morning news. At the conclusion of the unit, students will create a PowerPoint presentation on the elements of weather and how it affects them. To the unit:

WWW:  Wild and Wacky Weather (Unit)*

Student Calendar (example)*

Temperature Chart (example)*

Temperature Graph (example)*

Weather Presentation (example)*

Curriculum Objectives:

Students will observe weather learn that it can be described by observations and measurable quantities. Students will be cutting and pasting in Excel to record data on their chart. Students will also read and listen to a variety of information and apply it to their lives.

Internet Support:
Students will use the Internet to research information on the different elements of weather and look at the daily forecast on www.weather.com.

Overall Value: This unit is a huge success with the students. They are highly motivated by recording data on their own chart and being able to use that data to draw conclusions about things that affect them. The meteorologist visit was a great success for us. He thoroughly explained weather on their level. Also, the involvement in all content areas is a great learning experience because the students are able to witness the connections that can be made throughout the content areas.

This project is different because it allows the students to take responsibility as they record their individual data. This also serves as a motivator for student learning. Students are also using information from many content areas. This unit addresses language arts (reading and writing), math, and science. It also includes technology, creative movement, cooperative learning, and speaking.

Assess Learning:
Each week the students will complete an open response question that requires the students to apply the information they learn about the weather elements to their lives. At the conclusion of the unit, students will complete a PowerPoint slide on certain elements in groups. The slides will be put together to create a PowerPoint slide show presentation. It will be presented to other classes and parents. A rubric is used to score the presentation.

This unit requires the students to know information about weather and to apply the information they learn. The students must also use measurement skills in recording weather and technology skills to record the daily weather on their Excel chart. Analysis skills will be utilized as the charts are discussed. Various technology standards will be addressed as the students use the Internet, create PowerPoint slides, gather and manipulate data, and display information. Students will also make sense of the information that they read and hear. Students will connect knowledge and experiences from different


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