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Passion for Poetry: Poetry & Rhyming

About this Daily Classroom Special
Passion for Poetry presents a series of interactive worksheets designed to expose students to the world of poetry. The worksheets allow for differentiated activities so students at all levels can develop a passion for poetry. Passion for Poetry was written  by Janice Gordon, Laptop Program Coordinator for Hartford (CT) Public Schools and a former Teachers Network web mentor.

There are many different ways to rhyme in a poem.

Read the document about How to Rhyme in Poetry, then complete the following:

  1. Explain the following terms and give an example for each:
    1. mono rhyme (masculine)
    2. double rhyme (feminine)
    3. triple rhyme
    4. internal rhyme
    5. grotesque rhyme

  2. Write a four-line poem using one of the rhyming patterns above. (Hint: click on the rhyming dictionary on the Internet to help you get more ideas for rhyming. Have fun—you may even want to write more than one poem.)

  3. Read any two poems written by Kenn Nesbitt on his Poetry 4 Kids page (if you have time, you may read more).
    1. Which poems did you choose?
    2. What kind of rhyme is used in each of the poems?
    3. What did you enjoy about the first poem you read? (Be specific)
    4. What did you like about the second poem you read? (Be specific)
    5. Do you think rhyming helps a poem to communicate a humorous message? Why or why not?

  4. Extra Credit: Send e-mail to Kenn Nesbitt (click on his name on the bottom of the Poetry 4 Kids page) telling him why you enjoyed a particular poem of his. Don’t forget to send your class teacher a copy of the e-mail!


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