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Bug Web: Sphereagon

I've got that Geometry Bug!

A Day in the life of my Geometry Bug

                My bugs name is Sphereagon. I gave him this name because he has lots of shapes of spheres used for his body parts. He was invented by me a very well known bug expert.

                 Sphereagon has many geometrical shapes used for his body arts.  Sphereagon's head, and thorax are spheres. I made them spheres because a lot of times a bugs head and thorax are sphere like. Spheragon's abdomen is an egg like structure which I chose because I've seen bugs with egg shaped abdomens. His 6 legs are shaped as angles so he can walk flat footed and will have good balance. They are also light so he can fly easy with them and they don't weight him down.  His butterfly wings are made of triangles which are vertical so they are congruent. They are shaped as triangles cause they are an geometrical shape which helps him get around from place to place by flying. His eyes are spherical with little cubes on them. His eyes are like this because bugs eyes have many different lenses in them so they can see better, his eyes are also so big cause he only comes out at night so he needs big eyes so he can see at night. His eyes stick out of his head so he can see all around. On it's tip of its tail there is a hexagon which gives his identification. This tail and the hexagon help him steer himself when he is flying. The tail itself is made of lots of cylinders which make it flexible so he can move it. He also uses his tail for a fan to cool himself.

                Sphereagon lives in the rain forest at the very top of the trees where he sleeps all day and soaks up the sunlight with his bright red body. At night he wakes up and flys through the rain forest looking for bigger animals like cat, monkeys, birds, gorillas, snakes, etc. and  sucks their blood with his straw like tongue or mouth structure which is rolled up with a sharp pin like end which he sticks into his predators.  He gets around the jungle by flying with his triangular wings steering with his tail our walking along the jungle floor.

                Problems he faces are getting eaten by his predators, finding food at night, finding a mate, and avoiding learning his geometrical shapes.

                Sphereagon has characteristics of a real bug. It has spiracles on both sides of the abdomen which let it breathe. It also has wings and butterfly or mosquito like mouth structure. It has 6 legs coming out of the thorax of the body. He also has eyes that are divided into many different lenses like a real bug. So my geometry bug has lots of characteristics of a real bug.   


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