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Bug Web: Geo, The Geometry Bug

I've Got that Geometry Bug!

Geo, The Geometry Bug

Once upon a time a very long time ago there lived a geometry bug named Geo. He lived in the small town of Geoville. All in all, Geo was a very happy little bug. He led a nice, peaceful life in Geoville. But this was no ordinary bug. No, there was something different about Geo. He was made completely out of geometric figures. Everything from his antennas all the way down to the spiracles on his abdomen was some kind of shape.

          Even though Geo was made of geometric shapes, he still looked like a normal bug. He was just your everyday common insect. Geo’s three body parts were made of spheres and had a smoky black glow. His beautiful golden wings were made up of a combination of an isosceles triangle and a circle. These were perfect for flying around the neighborhood. On top of his wings were six shimmery stars. Even though they aren’t regular, stars are still polygons. The circular spiracles on Geo’s abdomen let him breathe. His legs are a cylinder with a cube on the end of it, which helps him to do a little bit of walking around when he has to. The two fuzzy brown antennas on Geo’s forehead are also cylinders. His eyes are in the shape of giant circles, which help him to see at night.

          Geo’s favorite thing to do is show off his gorgeous wings to all of his friends. They are all jealous of the six glittering stars that sit on top of them. Geo spends most of his time cruising around town because he is so proud of his golden wings. During the night when the moon is out, the light reflects off of him in such a way that he looks like he is glowing. Geo’s large, round eyes help him see when he flies at night.

In the little time that Geo spends on the ground he likes to walk around on his short, cylindrical legs. He and his friends hang out a lot in the Town Square. In the square there are so many things for Geo and his friends to do. They go there every day after school gets out and most of the time they stay there until very late at night. Everyone goes to the Polygon Arcade or the Geoville Movie Theatre. But their favorite place by far is the Hexagon Diner. It serves all of their favorite foods- pizza, potato chips, chocolate, and all kinds of pop. Geo and his buddies go there for just about every meal. Afterwards, they usually fly around and see what else there is to do.

          In Geoville, the young bugs only go to school for a few hours everyday. Geo’s favorite subject to study in school is geometry. When he grows up, he wants to be a geometry teacher because he loves it so much. He also likes art class because he makes pictures made completely out of geometrical shapes.

          Geo still lives happily in the town of Geoville with his friends. They admire his golden wings and sparkling stars. They fly around town and hang out in the Town Square. All and all, Geo is a very happy little bug.

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