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Bug Web: Life as a Flygon

I've got that Geometry Bug!

About Me

my bug and me I am a freshman in high school. I like sports, food, and listening to music. Some of my favorite sports are football, baseball, and indoor soccer. I like just about any kind of music, my favorite groups are Blink 182, Ramstein, Limp Bizkit, and Ruff Ryderz. I also enjoy talking to friends on the computer. My favorite subject in school is Honors Geometry.

Life as a Flygon

Have you ever heard of a Flygon? I hadn't either until I made it up. Flygon is a bug that is based on geometry. It is named flygon because he has some aspects of a dragonfly and the gon is because he was made using geometrical shapes and ideas. Each part of the bug has a certain purpose in the bugs lifestyle and where he lives. While building him I kept in mind that it had to be made with geometric shapes and had to be symmetrical. For the body I used spheres and an irregular oval shape. The body of Flygon got smaller as it got further along the body sort of like a dragonfly. To give the body texture and color I covered it with glue and then I rolled the whole body in sand. For the wings I used a wire and made two rectangles and made them roughly the same size. I used colored cellophane shrink wrap to give the wings a realistic look. The eyes of Flygon are ovals. For the legs I used a different type of pipe cleaner that gave the legs a muscular look. Different parts of the legs have to be stronger than others. This is because different legs have different purposes in the bugs life. I bent the legs under some to give the illusion that it is flying. This is because, When it is flying it tucks it's legs under it's body to make them more aerodynamic. To allow it to hang from the ceiling I just put a hook above each wing and tied a string to them. The color of the Flygon plays a big role in where it lives and how it lives. Because of it's greenish-brown color it lives mainly in wooded areas. This is because the brown helps it blend into the branches and twigs. The green helps the Flygon blend in with the leaves and the vines that grow on trees. Flygons are herbivores but they can and will attack other organisms if provoked. Flygons are equipped with a stinger that contains poison in it. The poison that is in the stinger will cause a severe rash, dizziness, my bug dehydration, and vomiting. After stinging the victim the Flygon does not lose it's stinger. They can sting as many times as they need. Very rarely does a Flygon actually lose it's stinger. Each Flygon has a life span of about one to two months. They can reproduce up to ten times during their life. They build nests sort of like a bee hive. They use the same basic structure as bees do but make some modifications of their own. Each hive is a lot smaller than normal bee hives and only about 50 Flygons can live in a hive at a time. After a Flygon has reached the age of about two weeks it leaves and finds a mate and builds its own hive. Some of the offspring stay in the hive that they were born in and find mates that are around there and their mates move in and the old Flygons are forced to move out and find another place to live. A lot of the Flygons don't live very long due to other organisms killing them or dying in a fight with another Flygon over a mate or a place to live. But overall Flygons are living like kings.

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