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Home Safety Activities


About This Daily Classroom Special 
Each week Homework Hotline will suggest homework assignments aimed at grades K-1 and 2-3. Homework Hotline was written by Buzz Eyler, Director of Educational Technology
at the Orcutt School District ( CA) and a former Teachers Network web mentor. 

To the Homework Hotline Directory

Home Safety Activities

This week the homework will center on home safety activities. The activities are appropriate for K-3, except as noted. Feel free to copy, cut and paste the assignments into your own word processor for sending home (or print this page).

Day 1

Have the children talk to the adults in the home about an escape plan in case of fire. Practice the plan. Have the non-writers' adult write the plan to be brought to school to share. Writers should do the same in their owns words.

Day 2

Have the children walk around the rooms in their homes and find dangerous things. Make a list. For five of the objects, write (dictate) a safety rule for that object. For example, for a mixer, never stick your fingers in between the blades when it is plugged into the electrical outlet.

Day 3

Have the children write (dictate) five safety rules for using their bikes. Bring these rules to school for a class poster or book of Bike Safety Rules.

Day 4

Have the children discuss with an adult Telephone Safety: how to answer and what to say and not to say. Also, have the children and parents decide on a family password. If someone's calls or talks to the child who says the parents have sent them, the child can ask for the password.


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