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Daily Classroom Special
Bits & Bytes: Technology Guidelines
About this Daily Classroom Special
Bits & Bytes combines technology objectives, activity ideas, web sites, and resources in an effort to make it easier for everyone to incorporate technology into their instruction. Bits & Bytes is maintained by Barbara Smith, Magnet Coordinator at Harvard Elementary, Houston (TX) and Teachers Network  web mentor. 

To the Bits & Bytes Directory

K - 12 

Follow acceptable use policies when using computers. 

Some good guidelines to follow when using technology: 

  1. Do not use a computer to harm other people or their work. 
  2. Do not damage the computer or the network in any way. 
  3. Do not interfere with the operation of the network by installing illegal software, shareware, or freeware. 
  4. Do not violate copyright laws. 
  5. Do not view, send, or display offensive messages or pictures. 
  6. Do not share your password with another person. 
  7. Do not waste limited resources such as disk space or printing capacity. 
  8. Do not trespass in another's folders, work, or files. 
  9. Do notify an adult immediately, if by accident, you encounter materials which violate the rules of appropriate use. 
  10. BE PREPARED to be held accountable for your actions and for the loss of privileges if the Rules of Appropriate Use are violated. 

Source: Houston Independent School District. "Acceptable Use Policy" updated March 3, 2000    (March 3, 2000) 

* Discuss acceptable use rules, consequences, and need for them. 
* Find newspaper articles about computer abuse. What kind of damage was done? How much did it cost? How much money do schools spend on technology yearly (per child)? How does abuse by one person affect the resources for all students? 
* Model behaviors of how to act and what to say when a student is encouraged by others to use computers improperly. 
* Compare character education lessons to ethics of computer use. 
* Make a timeline of events concerning child safety and the Internet. 
[History of a Child Safe Internet]   
* View search engines and browsers that are kid-friendly, and teach students how to use them. 
Historical United States Census Data Browser   
KiddoNet  Lots of great, easily-accessible activities, but child-safe browser asks you to download software. 
Crayon Crawler  Mostly 
entertainment, but has some good lists and activities. 

The keys to safe computer use by children are: 

  1. Supervision. Check your children's use frequently. Have classroom computers' screens turned toward the class so you may glance over frequently and monitor what they do. 
  2. Education. Teach children how to use the Internet and their computers responsibly. They should learn how to search well, how to preview site descriptions and addresses, which software they may use, and adhere to acceptable use policies. 

View the policies of other school districts: 
Houston Independent School District [Houston, Texas]  
Cartersville City School District, Georgia  
Warren Township High School Computer Usage Policy [  Gurnee, IL] 
University of Nebraska [Lincoln, Nebraska]  
Unionville-Chadds Ford School District [Kennett Square, Pennsylvania] 
Hillsboro Elementary School, Hillsboro, North Dakota  


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