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Daily Classroom Special
Bits & Bytes:  Putting Your Computer to Good Use

About this Daily Classroom Special
Bits & Bytes combines technology objectives, activity ideas, web sites, and resources in an effort to make it easier for everyone to incorporate technology into their instruction. Bits & Bytes is maintained by Barbara Smith, Magnet Coordinator at Harvard Elementary, Houston (TX) and Teachers Network  web mentor. 

To the Bits & Bytes Directory

K - 5 

Use language skills including capitalization, punctuation, spelling, word division, and use of numbers and symbols as grade-level appropriate.

Write and publish classroom poetry. Bind into books as gifts for Mothers' Day or Fathers' Day. 

Write and publish your own book critics column. Students read books, create write-up. Post on school website, or display in school or neighborhood library with the summarized book.

Use signs and newsletters created on computers to discuss word division, and use of numbers and symbols.

Create a classroom newsletter. Students can work individually or in groups to write news articles, informative columns, interviews, and create puzzles and comics. (For a PC with Microsoft Word 97, click File - New - Pub/Publications - Newslttr. More advanced users can use any word processor and set up columns.)

Web Picks Poetry Pals Internet Poetry Publishing Project for K-12 Students 
Students may submit poetry for publication, different poetry style every two months, lists on-line projects for teachers.

Award Winning Children's Books 
Lists of Newbery and Caldecott and other national and international award winners. Feedback page for children's submissions for their favorites.

Junior Seahawk News 
Excellent examples of newsletters by students at Arbor Heights Elementary School in Seattle, Washington. Most of the files are in .pdf format.


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