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Mrs. Jackson's Morris Farm Alphabet Book Site

A Letter from our TechMaine Americorps Volunteer

Molly "Farm Girl" Campe


I've been working with Mrs. Jackson's first grade class this fall as the official "farm girl". I've had so much fun with the class as we've explored the pumpkin patch, celebrated the fall season by making corn husk dolls, apple cider, touring the farm, picking pumpkins, and tasting yummy harvest foods all at good ol' Morris Farm. I've had the chance to have lunch with the class at the farm as we took a photographic safari of the entire farm in search of the Morris Farm Alphabet.

As you can tell, I am one lucky farm girl. I've been working at Morris Farm for the past 6 months as an Americorps volunteer. Americorps can be described as the domestic Peace Corps of the United States. Different volunteers are placed throughout the United States in the variety of jobs and locations. I have been working to get to know Mrs. Jackson's class, but I have also met classes from all around the midcoast area. Some classes come just for tours of the far, while other classes come to learn more about Native American agriculture. Whatever the case, there are a lot of fun activities to do at the farm and my days are usually filled with smiling kids, walks in the gardens and a lot farm animals!

This summer, I helped out with the Morris Farm Day Camp. At camp, we had a bunch of kids from Wiscasset Primary School and other schools in this area playing in the outdoors, while learning cool facts about things like seeds, ponds, and gardening! Through games, hands-on activities and even skits, we a;ll had a chance to learn about the environment at camp.

I am ending my term as a TechMaine Americorps volunteer in the beginning of November. I will be the first to tell you how much I'll miss all the smart first graders who have been my neighbors and friends all fall. Thankfully, however, the farm will still be here and it will be waiting and anticipating even more visits from the first graders. After all, you'll have to come visit Delilah often and see how her new piglets are growing!

Thank you to everyone!!

Molly "Farm Girl" Campe

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