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Press Release: Teachers Network to Host Discussion of Education Policy

Teachers Network to Host Discussion of Education Policy
Non-profit Education Organization, with NYU School of Education and the MetLife Foundation, Bring Teachers Voices to Education Policy

New York, October 22, 2003 -- As teachers and students in New York City public schools struggle to implement the Department of Education’s newly mandated top-down curriculum and adjust to the reconfigured school system this fall, Teachers Network, an education non-profit organization, is working to bring the teachers’ voice to education policymaking with the Teachers Network Policy Institute (TNPI). On October 30, 2003, TNPI, in partnership with the Institute for Education and Social Policy (IESP) at New York University’s Steinhardt School of Education, will host a Policy Briefing & Breakfast that will focus on professional development of teachers as the critical link to improving student achievement. The event will be held in Martin Lipton Hall at New York University Law School, 108 West 3rd Street in Manhattan from 8:00-10:00 AM.

“Nationally, public education is on the block. In New York City, public schools are undergoing a major reorganization. Where is the teacher’s voice?” said Ellen Meyers, Senior Vice President of Teachers Network.

The briefing will showcase and examine the work of the TNPI MetLife Fellows—all full-time classroom teachers—who have been working to improve their practice and profession by conducting action research studies in their classrooms, and making specific policy recommendations based on their research findings. Teachers Network has invited educators, policymakers, funders, and the media to join them in developing initiatives to raise public awareness about the importance of professional development and teacher quality for student learning.

“When I am included in professional development decisions as in the TNPI model, I am more invested in my own learning. As a result, my students learn more,” said fourth-grade teacher and New York City MetLife Fellow Lamson Lam, who will be presenting his work at the event.

TNPI is supported by the MetLife Foundation so that full-time classroom teachers receive fellowships in exchange for the considerable responsibilities they assume when they become TNPI MetLife Fellows.

The MetLife Foundation has supported TNPI since its inception in 1996. “MetLife Foundation is committed to bringing the voice of the teacher to the forefront of discussions on education reform. TNPI leverages the extraordinary work of teachers who are making valuable contributions to education policy,” said Sibyl Jacobson, President and CEO of the MetLife Foundation.

About Teachers Network
Teachers Network is a non-profit education organization that has been working for almost 25 years to support and connect innovative teachers through grants and networking opportunities in the areas of curriculum, leadership, policy and new media. Teachers Network’s mission is to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills to become leaders in their classrooms and schools, thereby improving student learning and achievement. Headquartered in New York City, Teachers Network is a community of educators linked nationwide by 25 affiliated organizations including education foundations, public school systems, and several state education departments that have adopted one or more Teachers Network programs. Teachers Network has two international affiliates--TeachNet Ireland and TeachNet London. Teachers Network’s mission is to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills to become leaders in their classrooms and schools, thereby improving student learning and achievement.


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