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Press Release: Teachers Network’s Grants to Teachers and NYC Partnerships

Teachers Network’s Grants to Teachers and NYC Partnerships
Non-Profit Education Organization Fosters Teacher Professional Development and Classroom Technology Integration

New York, September 10, 2007 – Teachers Network announced today the start of its annual fall competition for TeachNet grants, open to all New York City pre-kindergarten through grade 12 public school teachers from September 10, 2007 through November 30, 2007.  The grants competition accepts applicants who have designed outstanding curriculum units that integrate the Internet into an original project for the classroom.  Grant recipients receive an award of $500, are published on a premier education web site, and are honored at an awards ceremony.  Information about the online application and guidelines can be found at http://teachersnetwork.org/grants.
With the constant development of new technology, teachers are always on the lookout to improve student learning and achievement with the help of interactive media.  Teachers Network provides completely free—no sign-up required—online resources, all by teachers, for teachers, accessible 24/7 on its award-winning website, http://teachersnetwork.org.  Powered by Google, teachersnetwork.org targets the needs of teachers searching for quality tech-related resources.  With over 3,875 lesson plans, searchable by topic, subject, and grade level pre-kindergarten through 12; 1,445 daily classroom specials featuring must-read articles on boosting effective teaching strategies; 650 web-based curriculum units of innovative teacher-tested lesson plans; and much, much more, educators are amazed at the breadth of quality resources available right at their fingertips.  As newly appointed NYC Deputy Chancellor, Marcia Lyles, points out, “Educators having access to quality teaching tools and new ideas for integrating technology is key to leading our current generation of students.”

Quality education tools are not only necessary to motivate student learning, but also to support teachers who cite that the lack of resources undermine their ability to teach effectively and to sustain them in the early stages of their teaching careers.  With New York City teachers spending on average $2,000 a year out-of-pocket for classroom supplies, it is all the more necessary for these teachers to be guaranteed professional development support to see them through.  Compounding problems faced by all teachers is the fact that many teachers are new and lack real classroom experience.  This year alone as many as 5,000 public school teachers have been recruited as new hires for the fall 2007-08 school year.  The result is a group of novice teachers in desperate need of professional development and teacher support.  Faced with situations in which new teachers are not realistically prepared can impact negatively on students.  Teaching support, professional development, and effective teaching strategies are indisputably necessary in the ongoing training of novice and mid-level teachers.

In a continuous effort to provide solutions to improve education, Teachers Network has lined up partnerships for the 2007-08 school year that will provide continued support and professional development programs for public school teachers in New York City.  Teachers Network is supporting 540 first-year teachers that are entering the city schools through Teach For America.  Based on last year’s outcome, Teachers Network’s New Teachers Handbook provides practical and indispensable teaching strategies from veteran teachers and is an integral part of teacher success in the classroom.  Teach For America Vice President of Program for New York City, John Hsu, agrees that “Teachers Network’s resources have been influential in providing newly-minted teachers useful and practical teaching advice and strategies.”  

A second partnership with the Community Learning Support Organization (LSO), a newly-reconstituted network of Region 8 schools, will provide an opportunity to support over 500 new teachers in 165 schools with the New Teachers Handbook and its companion Successful Teaching Practices in Action CD-ROM, providing a visual demonstration of exemplary teaching.  Teachers will also be given the opportunity to apply on a first come, first served basis for one of 250 scholarship awards applied toward New Teacher Online Courses offered in the fall, winter, and spring at http://teachersnetwork.org/ntosc.  Through the support and guidance of veteran New York City educators as course facilitators and the participation of online dialogues with fellow peers, teachers gain valuable insight into fully developing their potential and improving the skills most important and necessary to their profession.

About Teachers Network
Teachers Network is a non-profit organization—by teachers, for teachers—with a 25-year track record of success, dedicated to improving student learning in public schools nationally and internationally. Teachers Network is unique in its focus on professional development as the key to improving student achievement. Using the power of an award-winning web site, videos, and print resources, Teachers Network leverages the creativity and expertise of a national and international community of outstanding educators. Through its leadership, Teachers Network empowers teachers to transform public schools into creative learning communities.  Major funding for TeachNet grants comes from the JPMorgan Chase Foundation.  Funding for Teachers Network’s partnerships to support new teachers is provided by a major grant from the Citi Foundation, with additional funding provided by The Tomorrow Foundation and the Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation.  For more information about Teachers Network, please visit http://teachersnetwork.org.


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