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Weather Watchers

Project URL:

How it works:
Weather Watchers takes the subject of weather, something that all teachers discuss in their classroom, and gives it a new twist. The children research the weather for their own community and then compare it to the weather in another place. This information is obtained by using Internet sites and their school web page. They then report the information to the class by using a microphone, and a United States map as a backdrop. This creates a wonderful opportunity to discuss and compare temperatures (warmer/colder), observe weather patterns (warmer weather in the southern parts of the United States), and build in some basic geography as the children point to the state that they are reporting on. The children love to be weather reporters and it builds their confidence when speaking in front of the group.

Standards addressed:  
Students access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies; describe patterns of daily, monthly, and seasonal changes in their environment; use geography as a tool to learn more about the world around them; use creative drama to communicate ideas and feelings; and use basic props, simple set pieces, and costume pieces to establish place, time, and character for the participants.

Materials used: 
Besides a computer with Internet access, the materials used in this project are inexpensive. You will also need a map of the United States and a microphone. For primary children, if each state is a different color, it helps them locate the state that is the subject of their report.

The students:
This project was designed for kindergarten students. It was part of the January theme of winter weather and used as a combination science and computer center.

Overall value:
Weather Watchers excites children about both weather and geography. They anxiously wait their turn to research and broadcast the weather. They also listen to the weather report at home and relay the information to their classmates at school. The children are also aware of where they live within New York State and learn about more other states in the U.S.  Even though the class does a monthly weather graph and adds to it daily, this has made the topic of weather new and exciting for the children.

In addition to using a microphone, you can also construct a make-believe television from a cardboard box or videotape the students' presentation beforehand and show it to the class on a video monitor in order to make the weather reports seem more authentic.  

About the teachers:
Pamela Scavera has been teaching kindergarten at the Bardonia Elementary School for the last 14 years. She holds a BS in Education from St. Thomas Aquinas College and an MA from Fairfield University and is certified in both Elementary and Special Education. She teaches with a wonderful team of kindergarten teachers that are always looking for new ways to enrich their instruction. Pamela and the kindergarten team have received numerous grants from Impact II, Westchester BOCES, and the New York State Teacher Center.

Mike Frerichs has worked as a library media specialist for five years in the Clarkstown Central School District. He particularly enjoys information science projects that apply technological and relevant research skills to the interests of students.


Subject Areas: 
Social Studies

Grade Level: 


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