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The Probability Project

Project URL:

How it works:
This project takes students through the different types of probability they will encounter in math, and utilizes PowerPoint presentations. Students learn to use experimental and theoretical probability to represent and solve problems involving uncertainty. Each type of problem gives them the definitions of terms, the formula to use, and a step-by-step tutorial with solution. Each type comes with at least one example to follow. The interesting part of the tutorial is the text. Each successive slide of new material is in a different color than the previous one. In this way, the student can see how the steps follow each other. The program has been set up so that the user can manipulate the slides forward and backward if a step is not understood. After following the tutorial for each problem type, students will be able to follow a teacher’s assignment with an interactive resource. The students complete assignments designed around each different problem type. After each type, there is a quiz to measure their progress and a short conference with the teacher to discuss their scores. At the end of the unit, students take a traditional test in order to measure their knowledge. There is also a written component that allows the students to critique the computer application.

Standards addressed:  
Students judge the reasonableness of results obtained from applications in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, probability, and statistics; use experimental and theoretical probability to represent and solve problems involving uncertainty; use the concept of random variable in computing probabilities; and determine probabilities, using permutations and combinations.

Materials used: 
All that is needed is a computer with Internet access and PowerPoint software.

The students:
The Probability Project was designed for students in grades 9 through 11. All math students are encouraged to use this program when studying probability.  

Overall value:
After a brief introduction to the topic, students can work through this unit individually or in groups through student-centered learning. This gives the teacher the opportunity to work with students in a unique environment. By using the Internet, students get instant help and feedback that they would not get from other manipulatives. The tutorial allows the student to work step-by-step through a series of problems at their own pace.

Students can refer to their textbooks, teacher handouts, and past Regents exams for related problems.

About the teacher:
Steve Newman has been teaching high school math for ten years. He currently teaches at New Rochelle High. During his career, he has worked with students in many different levels and courses.  He enjoys bringing in real-world situations whenever possible and likes to create projects designed around these topics. 


Subject Areas: 

Grade Levels: 


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