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Skeletal and Muscular Disease Web Quest

Project URL:

How it works:
This unit gives students the opportunity to take facts they have learned in the classroom and use them to investigate a specific skeletal or muscular disease or disorder. The students use the Internet to gather information regarding the disease that they have selected. They may use the pre-selected websites that are provided in the web quest or do a keyword search on their own. Some of the sites allow students to question actual doctors in that field. This allows those who are reluctant to ask a question in class to feel they can ask anything freely. Once they have gathered sufficient information, they then complete the worksheet portion of the web quest. They can check their performance by using the online grading rubric as they work on the project. At the completion of the worksheet and information-gathering stage, they are required to put together a PowerPoint presentation (with pictures) to demonstrate their knowledge of the disease/disorder to the class. They are also assessed on the PowerPoint and can check the grading system for that online as well, using the link on the web quest.

Standards addressed:  
Students use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions. They access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies; listen, speak, read, and write for information and understanding; collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced texts. As listeners and readers, students analyze experiences, ideas, information, and issues presented by others using a variety of established criteria.

Materials used: 
A computer with Internet connection and Microsoft PowerPoint or Word is required. All other necessary elements are provided on the web quest.

The students:
Skeletal and Muscular Disease Web Quest  is designed for sixth grade students, but it can easily adapted for other grades. The students should be familiar with basic Internet searches. They should also be able to send and read e-mail, and use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. 

Overall value:
This is a great activity that can be used in conjunction with any exploration of body systems or human body functioning and can be easily modified to differentiate instruction. Students are able to explore a disease that they may have heard of or that may have affected a family member, friend, or even themselves. They are motivated because it is something that they have chosen or it is a topic that is dear to them for some reason. Allowing them the freedom to explore the Internet and have questions answered adds to their excitement and learning.

Introduce this project after having gone through an explanation on the skeletal and muscular systems so that students have some prerequisite knowledge.

About the teacher:
Mr. Mikesh is a sixth grade teacher at Felix V. Festa Middle School in
West Nyack, New York,  and has been teaching there for the past five years. He teaches language arts, math, and science. He has been a member of the building technology team and has created numerous websites, data- based questions, and other Internet activities for use with his classes. He recently received his master's degree in Instructional Technology through the New York Institute for Technology and continues to take courses centered on utilizing technology in the classroom. He incorporates technology into many of his lessons and units across the curriculum and also uses it for communication purposes with students and parents.


Subject Areas: 
Language Arts

Grade Levels: 


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