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“Elements R’ Us”

Mr. Mikesh

Science Periodic Table

Web Quest


Elements R’ Us”


This Web Quest is designed to increase student ability in using the periodic table of elements. This project will generate an interest in the periodic table as students will learn valuable information about many of the specific elements. Each student will be gathering information about an element of his/her choice and then share what they have learned with their group. The group will then create a small class presentation using either posters and handouts or Microsoft PowerPoint.



For this web assignment, you will be a chemist on a mission to discover the elements! You will be working on this project with your research team of three. Using the Internet as a resource, you will be required to find out as much information as possible on the specific element you choose. You will then report back to your group and compare your results with your teammates. Good luck and have fun! (This project should take approximately three 40-minute class sessions where the students can have access to the Internet in a computer lab setting.)



Scientist #1: Your job is to select a metal from the periodic table of elements to research. Use the Internet sites listed below to aid you in your search for information.


Scientist #2: Your job is to select a non-metal from the periodic table of elements to research. Use the Internet sites listed below to aid you in your search for information.


Scientist #3: Your job is to select a gas from the periodic table of elements to research. Use the Internet sites listed below to aid you in your search for information.





Students will use the Internet sites listed in Resources to research a specific element from the periodic table of elements.

Each student will find information regarding the following:


*the element’s size

*the element’s weight

*when it was discovered

*who discovered it

*how it got its name

*its atomic number

*its atomic mass

*its electron configuration

*whether it is a stable element or not

*what state of matter it is commonly found in

*what color it is

*what the element is used for

*where in the world it is found


Each student should find a picture of the atom to include with his or her information.

Once all three scientists have gathered all of the information on their chosen element, they will meet together to share their findings.

Together they will make a small timeline that shows the order of when their elements were discovered.

They will also design a poster that shows some uses for their elements and decide which element is the most abundant and most useful.

Each group will then present it to the class.








Students will be evaluated on the knowledge of their elements, their poster, and on their presentation to the class.


Grading Rubric:


Very brief with few facts,
Very few supporting details,
Read facts off of a list,
Many factual errors,
Difficult to hear


More facts but still little detail,
Read only a few facts,
Few factual errors,
Low tone of voice


Good facts with some supporting details,
Good knowledge of facts,
Few factual errors,
Good tone of voice, Good visual aid

Excellent facts with many details,
Great visual aid,
Pictures to go along with information, Excellent knowledge of facts,
No factual errors,
Excellent tone of voice




Once you have completed this project and become elemental masters, test your knowledge and skills with the periodic table quiz at:


This is a great site to drill and practice student knowledge of periodic table facts and use. Gives feedback to each student’s performance!


NYS Learning Standards:

MST Standards:

Information Systems Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies.

Science Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living environment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science.

ELA Standards:

Language for Information and Understanding Students will listen, speak, read, and write for information and understanding. As listeners and readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information.



This is a site that I created to help students review chemistry facts. There is a link off of this page to some periodic table quizzes.



This site has great resources for finding out all kinds of facts about the elements and the periodic table.



Great site by Funbrain dedicated to teaching about the periodic table and the elements.



This is the spot to find out all types of chemistry facts including information about the periodic table and elements/atomic structure.



This is a fabulous site that really gives great background information on where the elements were discovered, how they are used, and other great facts about the periodic table.


Web Quest Designed and Created by: Mr. Mikesh  gmikesh@ccsd.edu


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