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Teachers Network Leadership Institute: Affiliates: MetLife Fellows: Fairfax County, VA: Bios

L. Kelly Escueta Ayers works as a sixth grade teacher at Providence Elementary and has been employed with Fairfax County Public Schools since 1990.  In 1998, Kelly was honored by the City of Fairfax for her outstanding contributions to teaching in the classroom. She is a Project Lead Teacher trained employee of Fairfax County Public Schools. She is currently a clinical faculty member with George Mason University’s Graduate School of Education and works with professional development students. She is an active teacher researcher who has led various action research projects at Providence Elementary since the year 2000 in affiliation with Fairfax County Teacher Research Network and George Mason University Teacher Network Leadership Institute. Findings from previous action research are published. She enjoys presenting at local and national education conferences. In 2006 Kelly was recognized by the Association of Teacher Educators-Virginia (ATE-VA) for outstanding research in a Virginia elementary school.

Sally A. Donnelly is a second year TNLI-er and embarking on her seventh year as a teacher researcher. She co-leads the Fairfax County Teacher Research Network and leads a group of 10 teacher researchers this year at Stenwood ES in Fairfax County. This begins her seventh year as a Reading Specialist for a K-6 elementary school where she enjoys teaching teachers the best practices of Language Arts. She strives to help teachers use data to drive their reading and writing instruction. Outside of school, she tries to keep up with her two brilliant daughters, a college junior with a passion for politics and a high school senior with a passion for theater. In her spare time, she enjoys reading children’s books and trips to Chincoteague, VA with her architect husband.

Jocelyn Fischer graduated from Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania.  She is in her sixth year at Parklawn Elementary School. Jocelyn has taught four years of fifth grade and two years of fourth grade.  She has experienced, and loved, looping from fourth to fifth with one of her classes.  Jocelyn enjoys working with adults, so she leads the teacher research group at her school, is involved in the Parent Teacher Association, Student Council Advisory, enjoys hosting student teachers, is a member of the Faculty Advisory Council, is team leader, and has started a graduate program in teacher leadership.  Jocelyn enjoys researching behavior in children and how to develop citizenship skills. As she is starting her graduate work focused on working with adults, she is excited to start doing research with her colleagues and school leaders.  She is close to her two brothers, sister, mom and dad. She has been married for three years and lives in Alexandria, Virginia with her husband, Todd and cat, Roscoe.

Kathleen Nealon is a National Board Certified Teacher who teaches kindergarten at North Springfield ES in Fairfax County Public Schools. She is currently working on her doctorate degree at George Mason University. She has many research interests which include teacher education and early childhood. She enjoys reading, playing golf, and traveling. Kathy is a huge sports fan, who frequently travels back to NY to see the Yankees play.


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