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Improving Math & Science Learning:
The Land of the Rising Sun

Name______________________________                Date______________


                                   Japan Test

Answer the following questions.  Remember to change your answers due to style of the test questions. 



1. Most meals are Japanese style but what other style of diet is common too?


2. Why is growing rice a hard job?

     a.     the rice field is small

     b.     you need lots of buckets to put the seeds in

     c.     you need water to flood the field

     d.     the swamps are too deep


3. Who showed the Japanese tempura?

     a.     Chinese

     b.     Korean

     c.     Portuguese

     d.    Mongolian


4. At most restaurants, they will serve children their favorite dish on a _________


**5 .  Why is deep fried tofu called kittsune?  _____________________________






1. All pagodas are used as _____________________and ___________________.
(Insert 2 out of 3 uses.)


2. Tokyo Tower is the highest building in Tokyo.   TRUE OR FALSE


3. Bonsai plants are 10________________ tall and can live to be____________ years old.


4. What is special about the shape of a pagoda roof? ________________________




**5. Who designed the Kansai Airport? ___________________________________






1. What day is Children's Day?

        a.    May 21

        b.    April 5

        c.    May 10

        d.    May 5


2. What do families decorate their doors with on "Bean Throwing Festival"?

        a.   sticks and fish

        b.   sticks and sushi

        c.   sticks and sardine heads

        d.   sticks and tuna heads


3. On Children's Day, the kite is the shape of the tuna fish.   TRUE OR FALSE


4. What is the flower that they celebrate on Hiana Matsuri?

        a.   lilies

        b.   cherry blossoms

        c.   daisies

        d.  none of these


5. During the festival of Kamakura, kids make snow huts.   TRUE OR FALSE


***BONUS***     What is special about the date of most Japanese festival?







1. Japan's four main islands are called Tenryu, Honshu, Shikou, and Kyushu.

                TRUE OR FALSE


2. Japan has the _________ largest population in the world.

        a.     second

        b.     seventh

        c.     tenth

        d.     first


3. Japan usually has at least 4 tidal waves a year.            TRUE OR FALSE


4. How would you describe summer in Japan?

       a.     extremely hot

       b.     mild

       c.     cold

       d.     rainy


5. How tall is Mt. Fuji?

      a.    15,600 ft.

      b.    12,376 ft.

      c.    12,389 ft.

      d.    13,389 ft.






1. Sumo wrestlers weigh more than ___________ pounds.


2. To win a sumo wrestling match, you need to push the opponent out of the ring.



3. When you start a sumo match, you throw salt in the ring as a sign of a respect.

         TRUE OR FALSE


4. A Japanese woman was the first to reach Mt. Everest in what year? _________


**5. Takamiyama is a super star sumo wrestler.                TRUE OR FALSE





1. What was the date that the bomb dropped on Nagasaki? ______________


2. The first group of people to live in Japan were the Ainu.  TRUE OR FALSE


3. What is the warrior's code? ________________________________________________


4. At the age of seven, a Samurai receives a

         a.     sword

         b.     toothbrush

         c.     baggy pants

         d.     hair cut


**5. What is the name of the plane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima?







1. Only men are in Kabuki plays.        TRUE OR FALSE


2. The great Buddha is the biggest  _________________ statue.

         a.    silver

         b.    bronze

         c.    gold

         d.    copper


3. Kimono is the traditional ______________ of Japan.

         a.    sport

         b.    slippers

         c.    shirt

         d.    dress


4. Which is a type of Japanese theater- YES or NOH?


**5. Bunraku puppet theater was made in the 18th century.     TRUE OR FALSE





1. All children must go to school from the ages

         a.   6 - 12

         b.   6 - 15

         c.   6 - 18

         d.   3 - 15


2. Every child studies calligraphy.                  TRUE OR FALSE


3. The Japanese currency is called the Yen.      TRUE OR FALSE


4. Most houses have

         a.    paper walls

         b.    carpets

         c.    wooden chairs

         d.    rice fields


**5.  One main part of Japanese religion is

         a.     Shinto

         b.     Shrine

         c.     Sumo Wrestling

         d.     Rice


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