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Grants: TeachNet Adaptors 2009
A Day in a life of....
Name: Rudy Phel Sabaduquia
School: High School for Health Professions and Human Services
Address: 345 E. 15th St.
City: New York, NY, 10003
Email rudyphel@yahoo.com
Original Project: A Day in a life of....
Author: Geraldine Solano
URL: http://teachersnetwork.org/readysettech/solano/

How did you modify this unit for use in your own classroom?: I modified the original project by allowing my students to interview real people whose careers are related to sports medicine. The students came up with their own questions and documented their interview.

List your primary instructional objectives for your students.

  Define Sports medicine
  Identify careers related to sports medicine.
  Describe a day in a life of a specific career in sports medicine.
  Design a brochure and a PowerPoint presentation promoting the specific career in sports medicine.

What role did technology play in this curriculum unit?: Technology played an important role in my student’s projects since the project involves research, contacting people through email, designing a brochure and preparing a PowerPoint presentation. All of these activities make use of different computer programs and internet access.

How did you assess and evaluate student performance?: To evaluate my students work I made use of a rubric for a PowerPoint presentation, brochure and oral presentation. I also allowed my students to rate their classmates through the use of a peer evaluation form. The students worked with a partner although one or two groups were composed of three members.

Please tell us briefly about your background & teaching experience: I have a Bachelor of Secondary Education degree with a major in Biology and a Master of Science Education degree with major in General Science. I am one of the international teachers who came in New York in 2007. This is my second year of teaching in New York but I taught for seven years before I came here. I have been teaching for a total of nine years.

What are your recommendations for other teachers interested in adapting this unit?: I highly recommend that this project should be conducted in other fields of specialization. This is a very good project that encourages cooperative learning, inquiry base learning and development of technology skills.

Samples of Student Projects

  The students' projects include brochures of the different careers in sports medicine. The information in these brochure includes: the degrees needed to become a sports nutritionist, sports psychologist, athletic trainer and other related careers in sports medicine; the salary for each specific careers; the daily roles, responsibilities and challenges of each career, and some projects have the contact number or email address of the actual people that my students contacted while doing this project. The students also created up with a PowerPoint presentation of the specific careers in sports medicine that they had chosen. Basically all of the information in the brochure was included in their PowerPoint presentations as well as the actual interview that they conducted. A class presentation was conducted, after each presentation there were questions raised by the remaining members of the class and the presenters answered each questions. This project was about a day in a life of a sports nutritionist. My students interviewed some students in the school to discover what they knew about sports nutritionists, they then contacted a person who knows about sports nutrition. Although the teacher they interviewed was not a licensed sports nutritionist, he is teaching nutrition and is very knowledgeable about this topic.
  Sports Nutritionist.ppt
  This project was about a day in a life of a High School soccer coach. The students developed specific questions and interviewed one of the coaches at the High School for Health Professions.
  This project is about a day in a life of a sports physiologist. The students did some research about the career and contacted a sports physiologist through email.
  Exercise Physiologist.ppt


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