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Grants: TeachNet Adaptors 2009
Forensics 101
Name: Jean Blyden-Chester
School: MS 584
Address: 130 Rochester Ave
City: Brooklyn , NY, 11
Email 1zerelina@optonline.net
Original Project: Forensics 101
Author: Hilary Sedewith
URL: http://teachersnetwork.org/readysettech/sedewitch/forensics.htm

How did you modify this unit for use in your own classroom?: I modified this unit to fit the needs of my students; 8th grade students of mixed ability. I began the unit by introducing the students to the basics of forensics. I went on to the eyewitness account and the final piece asked students to solve a crime.

List your primary instructional objectives for your students.

  Students will have a better understanding of forensics by completing a crime science basics worksheet and a crime scene protocol worksheet.
  Students will have a deeper knowledge of what an eyewitness represents and what an eyewitness can bring to a case by completing an eyewitness account worksheet.
  Based on their knowledge and understanding of forensic science and eyewitness accounts students should be able to solve "THE CASE OF THE BAREFOOT BURGLAR".

What role did technology play in this curriculum unit?: The internet is an integral part of this project. Students are directed to the web sites where they can work independently to gather the information necessary to complete the activities. PowerPoint was used to aid students with the vocabulary words used in this unit. In this way, the teacher becomes more of a facilitator.

How did you assess and evaluate student performance?: Students are assessed in a variety of ways, since there are many components in this projects. Students methodology and reasoning used to solve the case of the Barefoot Burglar can be graded based on a teacher-designed rubric which evaluates their work by teamwork, accuracy, creativity and effort.

Please tell us briefly about your background & teaching experience: My name is Jean Blyden-Chester. I am an 8th grade Science teacher at Granville T. Woods School for Science and Technology/MS584. I have been a New York City teacher for 10 years.

What are your recommendations for other teachers interested in adapting this unit?: Before adapting this unit please take a look at www.sciencespot.net. Go to the forensic science icon. This site can give you a lot of idea you can use for your lesson.

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