2. Looking Deeper: Am I invited to a Dinner Party?
Instructions for Section Two
In Section Two you will read about The Dinner party that Judy Chicago created. As you
read about The Dinner Party, look for themes and ideas that Judy Chicago had in mind
while creating her artwork.
Section Two: The Party
What is The Dinner Party?
The Dinner Party.
Party On..... More about The Dinner Party!
Remember---- Do not click on any links outside of the Web site.
Stay only on the page that you are directed.
3. Different Perspectives of Themes
Instructions for Section Three:
In section three you will be asked to choose one theme that was predominant in The
Dinner Party: Equal Rights or the Women's Revolution.

You will be viewing a number of place settings in The Dinner Party, and reading an
explanation for each. Let's see how much you remember about each place setting
when we play "Dinner Party Flash Cards."

When you are examining each place setting, keep in mind the trials and tribulations
that each woman experienced, and visual symbols that correspond to each.

When reading the information, think about what questions would have been asked.
Jot down at least 20 questions in a Word document to use in an "interview" in
Section Four. Print your questions out, and place them in your class's box in the art
In this section, you may click on different links, taking you to different
places. But please stay on the wing that you chose.
Wing Two: Equal Rights
Wing Three: Women's Revolution
Section Three: Themes
Choose only one.