Using Digital Tools and E-Pals to Enhance Descriptive Writing

By Tracy Sturgell

Santa Maria-Bonita School District


Title: All About Me

Standards Addressed:

Note: Prior to Lesson One, the teacher should have already set up E-pals with another class, preferably out of their "neighborhood".

Materials and Technology Needed:

  • E-pals ( is a wonderful site for setting up filtered student email accounts!)
  • At least one computer station as a center, but a mini lab would be wonderful!! If neither are available , the school computer lab could be used if it has Internet access and a word processor.


  • Create a story web on the chalkboard using yourself as an example
  • Review what the main topic sentence is for their paragraph that they will send to their E-pal and place it in the center of the web
  • Review supporting sentences
  • Add sample supporting sentences to the web
  • Students then create their own story web about themselves using topics such as family, hobbies, likes/dislikes, etc. NOTE: DO NOT USE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTIONS AT THIS TIME!
  • Students type up the paragraph to send to the receiving E-pal. This can be done as an attachment or as text in an e-mail message.( I would suggest the attachment strategy, especially as their writing improves and the length of their messages increases).


  • Use a rubric to assess their paragraphs