Lesson Five

Island Flags
(meaning of flag)

Instructional Objectives:
Students will develop an awareness of some traditional symbols of the U.S.
Students will access the Internet.
Students will increase their computer skills.
Students will become familiar with American symbols.
Students will increase their knowledge of American history and culture.
Students will use telecommunication to gain knowledge and to share their discoveries.

Time Required:
30 minute session for discussing patriotic symbols (Internet); 30 minutes whole class time to explain, demo and discuss assignment, individual time at the computer to create the flags and type their explanations.

Advance Preparation and Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills:

Materials/Resources Needed:

web sites:
Flags of all countries: http://immigration-usa.com/flags/
Flag Identifier: http://photius.com/flags/alphabetic_list.html
World Flag Database: http://flags.net/
World Animated Flags: http://atlasgeo.net/flags/Eindex.htm
World Fact book: http://cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/
*Flags and Facts (meaning): http://crwflags.com/fotw/flags/iso3166.html#r
Ben's guide to U.S. goverment for kids http://bensguide.gpo.gov/k-2/symbols/

Patriotic, symbols.

Session 1 - Patriotic symbols

Flags of all countries: http://immigration-usa.com/flags/
Flag Identifier: http://photius.com/flags/alphabetic_list.html
World Flag Database: http://flags.net/
World Animated Flags: http://atlasgeo.net/flags/Eindex.htm
World Fact book: http://cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/
*Flags and Facts (meaning): http://crwflags.com/fotw/flags/iso3166.html#r
Ben's guide to U.S. goverment for kids http://bensguide.gpo.gov/k-2/symbols/

Session 2 - Assignment/Demo/Individual time

When flags are done share with "Keypals" via Internet as attachments to E-mail

Explore and learn about patriotic symbols on the Internet.
Design a flag using Microsoft Paint program.
Write the meaning of the imaginary island flag.
E-mail work to other students.

Extensions or Follow-up (related Special Projects, events):

Explain the meaning of the American Flag to one or more family members.
If you have Internet at home (or you can go to your local public library, or maybe a Boys and Girls Club), do the following online pursuit for patriotism (an Internet treasure hunt) with an adult.

Flag- Does the flag have the following:
A Title 10 points
Creativity 10 points
Good Design 10 points
An Explanation for the colors 10 points
An Explanation for the Shapes 10 points
50 points = 100% = A

Illustrative Materials (worksheets, handouts, graphic organizers, photos, maps, and answer keys):
None used.

Student Work Samples:

Flag One
Flag Two
Flag Three

Lesson One
The Story
Lesson Two
Compass Rose
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Island Stories
Lesson Five
Island Flags

Jessica N. Rivera
November 2002