Lesson 4


It's All In The Spice


Duration:            Two class periods



The students will name some spices they're familiar with. 

The students will smell and taste spices that the teacher brings into the classroom and describe their smell and taste.

The students will find out what countries the spices brought into the classroom come from and locate the spice's country of origin on a map.

The students will complete a written assignment describing their favorite spice.



a variety of spices in bottles or small plastic bags provided by the teacher

world map

computer with internet access

chart paper / marker

My Favorite Spice! writing assignment



spice                taste                     aroma                     unique



Ask students the names of things that grow on farms.  They'll probably say corn, potatoes, wheat, or other crops that are well known in the United States.  Ask the class if they know about spices - the plants that give their food that really special taste.  Which spices are they familiar with? Cinnamon? Oregano? Chili powder?

Bring in spices from home, either in bottles or in small plastic bags, and allow students to sniff and taste them. Ask if they recognize any of the scents or tastes.  Have they eaten foods made with any of these spices?

As the students pass the spices around list the spice names on chart paper and make sure the students know what they are smelling and tasting.

Place students in groups and allow them to brainstorm the answers to the following questions. 

What would life be without spices?  Why are spices important?  Who would miss spices the most?



Teacher observation, class discussion, students answer to brainstorm questions and completed My Favorite Spice writing assignment.


Home Learning:

Students create a one page collage of magazine or newspaper ads where spices are advertised.



Students visit www.mccormick.com "Spice Encyclopedia" and find out where five of their favorite spices come from.


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